[Suggestion] Greater Quest Variety

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by OneMoreNameless, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. OneMoreNameless

    OneMoreNameless Goblin Champion

    Quests provide great incentives and challenges to replay the campaign. However, having mostly the same quests for every adventure can get a little dull, especially when certain flavours are exceedingly difficult for the average player. So! I propose setting the number of quests per adventure to a neatly fixed amount (eg. 4) and swapping out existing quests on some adventures for new restrictions. Specific possibilities follow:

    * Real time limit. Per map, implemented the same way PvP's timer works, but shorter depending on the adventure. This would force players to think quickly and play more riskily to beat the clock.
    * Only draw 1 card plus standard movement per round. This would force players to act more defensively, biding their time while learning to better avoid enemy attacks.
    * Double enemy HP. This would be tedious or unfair for most adventures, but on maps with victory points could be used to force the player to manipulate enemies and occupy the points rather than simply killing everything as normal.
    * No equipment changing during the adventure. A fairly mild quest, to force players into building a balanced party for those adventures with significantly different foes per battle.

    See also: Aldones' Solo Mode suggestion for an additional possibility.
    Aldones likes this.
  2. smeata

    smeata Mushroom Warrior

    Don't know about removing quests that are already there but I am definitely all for more quests.
    Some ideas off the top of my head;
    Give certain cards to the enemies/players each turn. eg Take a quest that is usually easy to aoe down and make it so every turn the enemy gets a resistant hide.
    Everyone gets a buff/debuff that cannot be removed. eg Everyone takes 2 damage each turn.
    Fixed team. You are supplied a team of characters that you have to use to defeat the quest. You could even be given monsters to control.
    Escort. You have to keep a friendly npc alive.
    Assassination. You have to kill one enemy while leaving the rest alive.
    No VP. Take a map and remove the victory points so you have to get kills to win.
    No harm. Must collect enough VP to win without killing anyone.
    Survival, all enemies have Impenetrable Nimbus and it can't be removed so you just have to use the VP squares.
    No minions, each enemy can attack as many times as they want in a turn.
    Upgraded enemies, simply switch out the enemies for more powerful versions.
    Map effect. Something special happens every turn, eg at the end of each turn Blooming Ground is automatically played.
    Andrew Talbot likes this.
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    That's because the official database only has two fields for quests: "Quest Class Restriction" and "Quest Race Restriction"; everything else is auto-generated.
  4. Doctor Jack

    Doctor Jack Mushroom Warrior

    The BM could replace the frustrating and pointless 1 HP quest with some of these but please don't add new ones, the game has already enough grind.
  5. Andrew Talbot

    Andrew Talbot Mushroom Warrior

    Pretty much do what Final Fantasy Tactics did with restrictions and stuff? Hell's yes I can get behind that.
  6. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    Why would you be against having more content? You don't need 100% completion.
  7. Gerry Quinn

    Gerry Quinn Goblin Champion

    How can there be too much *optional* grind?

    Personally I will never even try the 1 HP quests - if I have the gear for those I will consider myself to have beaten the campaign. The 'no death' rule is a good one (I'm doing those quests now), and rules like 'all wizards' and such I can leave for later. But varied quest ideas that are mot absurdly hard would be nice.

    People have different levels of skill and commitment, and it's good to have optional content that will leave the hardest-core with something to challenge them. Maybe it's a bit hard on OCD types who feel they have to do everything in the game, but really, if that's you then if you're not hung up on Card Hunter you'll be hung up on something else, right?
  8. Doctor Jack

    Doctor Jack Mushroom Warrior

    There's a big difference between new content and recicled content.

    Unfortunately I fall into this category but in other games there's usually an achievements system and you're not forced to replay old content.
  9. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    It should be easy to add new quests. Creating new content is very difficult comparatively. Recycled content is only a negative when it is instead of fresh content, or you are forced to do it. Neither situation would be the case here.

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