[Suggestion] Inventory management stuff

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Multimuerte, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. Multimuerte

    Multimuerte Mushroom Warrior

    Hi there!

    Ok, I found this game via my brother, and I really think it´s the biggest thing I've seen in years about old school roleplaying games. Congrats for your efforts.

    There's one or two things I find quite annoying while playing, not a big deal although. The most confusing stuff is the inventory while looting or selling items. You see, you drop five items to the selling space and they get mixed with the sellers inventory. Could it be possible adding an auto-refresh event or something? Or even a 'Refresh' button for clearing both inventories?

    Also, could it be possible when you change your drop box from (for example) 'Arcane item' to 'Weapon', the sellers one also changes? I think it could be better for inventory management.

    And for the last one, a mad wish for you, people: Could you add up a way for 'saving' builds? When your inventory is full of loot it gets too confusing to change one build for another.

    Ok, thats all for now. Thanks a lot for your hard work!

    Retired AD&D Dungeon Master
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    When you're in your keep (and a few other places) you'll have a button in the lower right labeled "Store/Retrieve" for this. You get six slots for SP and six for MP.
  3. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    If you click any of the filter tabs, it will reset the window. So, if you're sorting by level, you could double tap the level button, or triple tap on the "All" button, or hit the space-bar in the search tab, etc. Not ideal, but it works.
    If you tap the gear slot on one of your characters, it will change both tabs at once.
  4. Multimuerte

    Multimuerte Mushroom Warrior

    ... you see Kalin, this button is BIG, RED and OBVIOUS, so for it's considered as 'invisible' for me. Thanks a lot for the feedback!

    Pliers, what I mean is that you need to do 'a trick' for refreshing both inventories, or for that other stuff I said. I am not saying 'wrong' (bad word! no cookies!), but for me the inventory is not quite... er... ¿intuitive? Who knows, there must be a reason why this stuff is implemented this way, but I do not fell like it's completly ok for me. Perhaps it's just that my brain works in stupid ways or something (read above in this same post).

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