(Suggestion) Trouble Targeting

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by smeata, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. smeata

    smeata Mushroom Warrior

    Sometimes it is impossible/difficult to target someone when someone else is standing in front of them.
    Possible solutions:
    Option to target the square they are standing on (squares can never overlap after all)
    Option to target their portrait (where it show's their cards)
  2. rephikul

    rephikul Mushroom Warrior

    I would like the target-only-squares option, too. And please make all figure sprites transparent when I make my move when you are at it. Currently, trying to target the square where the character is residing when it's bounding up and down like it's on fire in particularly prone to error.
  3. OneMoreNameless

    OneMoreNameless Goblin Champion

    Portrait targeting wouldn't work well with mob enemies. Having the player always choose target squares might be less fidgety at times, but risks misleading the player - there is, after all, a distinct and important difference between cards which only target characters and those which can actually target empty squares. Rendering the character who is moving transparent would be very nice though, and might actually clue players in more obviously to the fact that you can move/turn on the spot.
  4. smeata

    smeata Mushroom Warrior

    Could just make it an option, leave the default as is but players who know what they are doing can turn on ground targeting for that extra control. Could also make it a hotkey, eg you press [Ctrl] and all the characters turn transparent to indicate they can be clicked through, or something.

    You could make it a 2 step process for mobs, click the portrait and it brings up the tooltips for all enemies in that mob, then click their tooltip to target them.
    Sir Veza likes this.

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