[Suggestion] New monster. and share here your creations :)

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by tuknir, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Hey peeps, i was trying make a custon map for the contest, but i suck at it, so i started thinking of new monsters instead. Lets make here a place for our own submissions :)

    Starting with:
    Vampire (Hp: 30, bit healthier than a human warrior, normal movment same as a human)

    Itens: 2x Weapons

    -Unholy gauntlet

    2x Unholy Curse
    4x Infected Bite

    -Gauntlet of Darkness

    2x Consuming Touch
    2x Paralyzing Gaze (Vampire gaze, similar to Paralyzing Bolt but also does 4 dmg but only 4 range)
    2x Spear of Darkness

    Itens: 3 Unholy Symbols

    Symbol of Pain
    3x Explosion of Pain (Same as Flash of pain, but dmg increased to 5)

    Symbol of Unlife
    1x Word of death (same as Word of God, But as unholy magic)
    2x Touch of Pain

    Symbol of Agony
    2x Touch of Death
    1x Dimensional Traveller


    Forbidden Cloak
    3x Frightfull Aura (Trait. Duration 3. All non holy cards does -3 damage to the vampire, and atackers get 2 damage every time they atack it. Also a curse: every time vampire gets healed by a holy card, instead it takes dmg equal to the healing done (note: a good way for clerics deal dmg to the vampire, to hit it with the healing spells))


    Vile Boots

    1x Hover
    2x Fly
    What you guys think? Good? Sucky? Overpowered? UnderPowered?
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Monsters don't use items, you can just give them whatever cards you want. Well, "you" meaning the devs, because players can't actually create monsters.

    I've had some ideas for a continuation of the Astral Guardians sequence.
    (I'm not sure I understand the naming pattern.)

    Guardian of Sparks
    default move: Knight Move (range 3, Teleport, destination cannot be directly horizontal/vertical/diagonal from starting tile)
    deck: Solid Mail, Shredding Strike, Perforating Strike, Polearm Slash, extra Knight Moves

    Guardian of Auroras
    default move: Charge
    deck: Rook Blast, Bishop Blast, Shuffle, Crude Plates
  3. That frightful aura trait seems too powerful to me. The healing->damage effect isn't nearly compensation enough since healing is typically less than the damage for a card at the same rarity/quality. At a minimum, it should be changed into an armor card, and possibly one that is not kept, in keeping with the "Aura" theme of other armor cards such as Rushing Aura, Frenzy Aura, and Arcane Aura. You can add a damage boost while the card is in hand to compensate.
  4. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Kalin my idea for a vampire would be a mix of a warrior/Wizard. After all vampires are humanoids. I just tought it was fun trying to build a Monster like a npc. Sure its easier just to say what cards it would have, but i liked imagine the associeted itens for each card :)

    Ajah, your right, actual i wanted to make it fell like, a vampire apowerful undead that inspires fear to all adventures, so a aura that damage the atackers and also a aura that lowered the atk dm gon it (kinda a dmg reducion). maybe: just Frightfull Aura (Trait. Duration 3. All non holy cards does -2 damage to the vampire and just drop the dmg it would inflict? maybe add: a "when vampire is dmg, atacker discards a random card?
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Really a fan of the Astral chain, so looking forward to seeing more chess-pieces.

    So Sparks would be the Knight and Auroras the Queen?
  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

  7. Though those attacks are pretty brutal, there'd have to be something really special about the map to make the king a valid threat with his shuffling movement. The main reason zombies are dangerous is because of their overwhelming numbers, but by definition, there's only one king. Well, obviously he'd have other pieces to protect him, including a queen/Guardian of Auroras of course, but even still I don't see a modestly clever player being subjected to any attacks from the king unless there's something to pressure the heroes into close quarters with him.

    Perhaps it would be better to cast the King as a support piece, similar to the last boss of the Compass of Xorr series.
  8. Gerry Quinn

    Gerry Quinn Goblin Champion

    King can cast Stalemate which Halts all enemies, duration 1.
  9. Pokemath

    Pokemath Mushroom Warrior

    Default Move, Fly
    Cards in the deck would include some sort of Spike Volley that hits weak multiple times (so armor factors twice and blocks roll seperately), biting cards, and War Cry. He has either the armor that can deflect Obliterating Sparks, Walls of Fire, and Lunging Hacks alike(Resistant Hide) or multiple Reliable Hides. HP ~30-something.
  10. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    I like the Manticore. Would it be a normal or a large sized monster? Maybe add some penetrating atacks and the prenetating trait?
  11. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    When I first encountered skeletons (in Woodhome, I think?) I was delighted at the new challenge of their unique armor style. It immediately gave me the appropriate oldschool vibes that I think this game is intended to reproduce.
    I was also amused at the new twist in the way that this could be exploited to my benefit, because of the way the Card Hunter system worked. If an enemy is essentially a blank slate without the proper cards in their possession, then using abilities like boiling armor to "boil off a skeleton's protective bones" didn't bother me in the slightest. Sure, it sounds totally weird when you think about it, but that's the way the card system works, and all it really boiled down to was the fact that the enemy had a special defense of some sort, and I was permitted to negate it if I was clever and didn't want to resort to using nothing but crushing damage in my physical attacks. Bravo.

    But the fact that this undead-specific armor skill was implemented also confused me a little bit, because alongside it, I had fully expected to see another old RPG cliche included in the enemy's library of cards. Namely, that old rule that healing spells hurt the undead, and clerical spells meant to harm enemies actually heal them instead. Clerics are supposed to be undead-killers, right? ...and not just because they have gear that leans more toward crushing damage. I had fully expected to need to stack heals on my cleric and go a-purifyin' my way through the whole adventure.
    Cooincidentially, I'm only level 14 so far, so if this actually is a thing and I just haven't seen it yet, I apologize.

    To this end I'd propose, not really a new monster, but I guess what would be a new Trait card, using Card Hunter terms.
    Undead would have it in sufficient quantity in their decks to expect it to be applied pretty much 100% of the time.
    I've been thinking about the exact verbage that the card would contain, and I expect it would go something like this:

    (white text box) Trait: Attach this card to yourself. Duration (negotiable).
    (black text box) Unholy attacks that would damage you heal for that amount instead. Holy spells that would heal you damage you for that amount instead.

    The cons:
    (I'll list them first, because honestly I think I can see why this sort of thing isn't in the game, even though it makes me a little sad to admit it.)
    -Skeletons already throw a new player for a loop at level 6 by being "only bones". One more weird form of defense (even if it can also be viewed as a weakness) might be too much for them to absorb all at once.
    -Heals don't seem to be coded so that you can target an enemy with them in any way aside from things like Bad Medicine.
    -Many heals are ranged. Clerics as they are would probably reign supreme with a single healing pulse on many of the current maps... so a map's enemy density might need to be adjusted as well, making balance issues all the more complicated for parties that don't include a cleric, potentially.
    -If the undead enemies didn't pull this card reliably, it would be weird seeing them flip-flop weaknesses when they finally got the card into play.

    The pros:
    -Clerics would seem more geared to tackle something that has classically been known to be their specialty.
    -It would make the decision between going predominantly holy or unholy much more significant to a cleric player. You're not just balancing yourself between heals and damage now. You're presented with choices in which the situation causes one to be the obvious tactical advantage. Similar to stacking crushing damage in many of these same encounters (due to the presence of skeletal armor), you would feel pressure to stack many heals for offensive use.

    TLDR: I'd have liked to see a trait card for undead (similar to Only Bones) that allows them to reverse the healing/harming effects of holy/unholy damage. It's kind of an old RPG tradition, would be a fun puzzle to figure out, and gives the cleric class a few moments where they can feel like the badass of your party.
  12. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

  13. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    Heh. That would actually be an interesting question with complications I hadn't considered. You'd be right if that card was holy heals, but it appears to actually be unholy, so I guess by the specific (naive?) conditions I'd dictated earlier, it would actually still heal it's target normally.
    Basically, my intended effect is recreating that old D&D split between good and bad clerics, but the necromantic ones did occasionally have their own versions of good spells, just using unholy powers to do so. So I guess if they wanted a heal of their own like the one you presented... it aughtta be just fine for healing undead? Lol.
  14. smeata

    smeata Mushroom Warrior

    I have a lot of things I would love to see but most would required adding too many new cards/mechanics. Something fun and easy though would be a elemental bosses. The would be surrounded by their element terrain (eg lava, acid, etc) and each turn it would spread semi randomly. It would create a time limit in a similar way to the VP squares but less contrived and with more options to counter; you can try and cleanse the terrain, use your own terrain, kill the boss quickly, try and heal through the damage, etc.
  15. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    What about something similar to a beholder, where their attacks come from eyes facing in all 360 degrees? The downside would be that the creature would be impossible to sneak up on, but the positive would be that certain attacks had to come specifically from certain arcs of fire off it's body. In other words, it could only fry you with attacks that come from the eyes facing backwards when it faced away from you.
  16. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Guardian of Motes and Four-headed Hydra (although not mapped in the wiki entry) has a few of those attacks. And then I believe Gnome's has a whirling melee attack as well. Would be interesting to see attacks only being able to fire behind you et c, as you suggest however! Also, Beholders! ++!
  17. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    Yeah, that's a good point. I'd forgotten about those chess pieces. That's kind of close, isn't it?
    Considering all the fart jokes surrounding Melvelous, He also seems an obvious cantidate for a rear-mounted attack card of some sort. Maybe a goofy version of Winds of War? That's getting a little out there, though, so it's not like I'm really asking for that one. :)
  18. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

  19. Pokemath

    Pokemath Mushroom Warrior

    My version of the Manticore would be a large monster. I like the idea of penetrating because it kind of balances the Manticore (If the Volley Of Spikes gets affected by armor multiple times, armor could beat the monster easily), and also because it just makes sense. Is there such a thing as an Impaling Bite?

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