The starting points for pretty much every map I've ever tested/played have set you on opposite sides of the map, except for this one. Why is there a spawn point on the side? If the other team has a move 4, they can trap you on turn 1, even without any frost spells or forced moves. It's only 1 team that has a member way out of position, and it's horrid. Whether you win or lose, it's an imbalance that shouldn't be there. I really think this map should be changed or scrapped.
as long as its the same on both sides i don't care. But if its not then it needs to be fixed for sure.
It is not the same for both. One player has all 3 characters along the west wall, the other player has one character on the south wall (west half of south wall no less) and the other two are on the East wall. Had this map earlier today, I was the one NOT out of position and even worse I was the one who was allowed to move first (sadly I had my dwarf in the middle position so couldn't trap his poor wizard to obliterate him)
It is not the same on both sides. It IS possible for the North person to have one of theirs on the NorthEast wall, but it is on the same side of the obstructing trees as the rest of their team, while the South team member, if spawned on the SouthWest wall, will begin the game closer to the enemy team and out of line of sight. It is an imbalance.
This really needs to be fixed. I just played a match where I was on the bottom, and the top person got first move. I have a character immediately attackable by his team, he gets to go first, and I'm not in line of sight of my own team. There's no justification for spawn locations like this. It's an ENORMOUS advantage for the top player.