Campaign and MP items?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by rKelvin, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. rKelvin

    rKelvin Kobold

    in campaign mode after all tutourials I got 3 heroes
    then Gary gave me a free starter pack for MP = 3 more heros

    when i go to shop in campaign mode... MP heroes items are in the stash as well, aren't they suppose to be equipped? (if equipped should not shown in stash)
    if i sell them in campaign shop, will it disappear in MP?
  2. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Yes, they will disappear.

    Inventory and Heros are SHARED between MP and SP. You have to be very careful when selling items
  3. rKelvin

    rKelvin Kobold

    i dont dare to sell items now haha

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