Bad Medicine...

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by ZiggyZebulon, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. ZiggyZebulon

    ZiggyZebulon Kobold

    is very weak. I've found 2 uses for it: if you have resistant hide up you can heal for 2 or if an enemy is at max health you can hurt them 4 with poison dmg (not affected by most armor) over 2 turns. It's worse than wavering faith imo.

    I think it's an interesting card; I'd just like to see it buffed to be a bit more useful. Maybe heal 4 on first turn then 6 poison dmg over 3 turns? You could then use it as an emergency heal in a pinch or to weaken heavily armored enemies a respectable amount.
  2. kerzain

    kerzain Kobold

    I've found it to be a useful long-range offensive card (which this class doesn't get many of) that synergizes well with other cards, such as Talented Heal (TH heals you for an additional 2 points when casting heals on any target). It's nice to heal yourself when applying that 4-damage DOT to an enemy sitting six steps away. I strictly use it as an offensive card, and it's been very useful in the early game.
  3. Gentlecow

    Gentlecow Orc Soldier

    I agree, it is a very poor card. To be usable, it needs some kind of buff. But then again, some cards in this game are just really weak on purpose.
  4. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    It is a mild offensive card, can be used as a heal for a short term boost (especially with healer traits), and can be used to force blocks so your better attacks can go through. It's not a great card, but I've used it during campaigning.
  5. namad

    namad Kobold

    doesn't seem any worse than a lot of the other low level common intentionally weak stuff to me
  6. Forduc

    Forduc Orc Soldier

    I think my Cleric had 2 or 3 for quite long time. Mostly because Divine Weapons and Items have such limited choice of attacks. And 4 damage isn't anything to scoff at when warriors still have stuff like Lunging Hack, Weak Chop or even Weak Strike. Wizards won't be much better, but atleast their 2 damage attacks has some range.
  7. Spooky2

    Spooky2 Kobold

    I agree it's not a strong card, but it's the only range six attack I've seen for Priests in the game and it has situational versatility. So it's best used on a fresh enemy for four damage or as a heal on your party when they're wearing certain armor like arrogant armor.
  8. Gerry Quinn

    Gerry Quinn Goblin Champion

    I find it quite good in (reasonably early) stages of the SP campaign. It's the start of your turn, there are enemies that are in full health and haven't closed with you - so fire it off to soften them up a bit before they reach you, and it's also a non-committal move you can make while you're waiting to see what the enemies will do. The earlier you are in the game, the more 4 points off their health is worth.

    Maybe it will be less useful on average for a priest who fights a lot and often starts the turn in melee range, in which case he probably wants to do something else instead. But if you're at range it's nice to have.

    Now I come to think of it, you could probably use it as a desperation cleanser to get a worse debuff off one of your guys too, but I don't recall ever using it for that. Quite likely I could have once or twice and it didn't occur to me!
  9. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yup. I used Bad Medicine in the early part of the campaign - I find it useful, esp vs healthy enemies as mentioned. Also, it at least used to trigger altruism...
  10. Oberon

    Oberon Hydra

    None of the heals at this quality (paper) are all that good, Bad Medicine has it's uses and seems in line with Minor Heal , Twin Heals or Misguided Heal . Most of them are very situational and heal for small amount of HP. Since it also has the greatest damage potential, it can potentially do 4 damage to an enemy, healing for 2 seems fair to me.
    Aiven likes this.
  11. Angry Penguin

    Angry Penguin Mushroom Warrior

    Like posted above its a low level moderately effective card. I also tend to cast it on enemies with the vulnerable trait. Also I believe it ignores armor. Or its bugged and doesn't always trigger an armor roll.
  12. zelink551

    zelink551 Goblin Champion

    I actually much prefer Misguided Heal. Can quicly become a "damage 2" or "heal 4" which is nice for a paper card. one of my favorite early game heal.
  13. Angry Penguin

    Angry Penguin Mushroom Warrior

    Misguided heal is also fun with unholy wellspring. 5 damage cleric spell for killing things.
  14. zelink551

    zelink551 Goblin Champion

    mmmm touche. I just never had a decent Unholy Wellspring early on.
  15. Oberon

    Oberon Hydra

    So long as your team has decent armor it's often a heal 4, which you can't otherwise get much of without power tokens. This type of stuff makes Green Lotus Root completely playable.
  16. zelink551

    zelink551 Goblin Champion

  17. Oberon

    Oberon Hydra

    Yeap that's what I meant, quoted the wrong one.
  18. zelink551

    zelink551 Goblin Champion

    I wasn't sure if you meant that you can't get decent armor without tokens or can't get heal 4 without tokens :)

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