[Question] Which of these is Epic, which is Legendary?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Lucielle, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Lucielle

    Lucielle Kobold


    1 is epic, 1 is legendary. but which is which? the legendary one is supposed to be better, right? right?!
  2. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    Well, the legendary one is supposed to be more rare... ... not necessarily better. I've got a few legendary items that I'll essentially never use because they're just not as good as their more common counterparts.

    As for those two items, it's hard to say which one is really better. Reliable Hide is obviously a bit better at reducing damage, but neither of those cards are really high value. Usually the player will want to discard them, in which case the Toughened Hide Strips at least give them +1 health!
  3. Farbs

    Farbs Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Actually no, not necessarily :)

    Card rarity plays into this, and where one of those cards is a Rare, the other is Common.
  4. j-wiz

    j-wiz Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Is there a difference in the token requirement between the items? Because as much as the cards provided by an item determine the rarity, the cost to equip is also a factor.
  5. Farbs

    Farbs Blue Manchu Staff Member

  6. Lucielle

    Lucielle Kobold

    So Farbs, do you think that Apprentice Stoutness is better than Novice Stoutness?

    Edit: Officer Harness is better than Chain Harness, and then you have a questionable betterness between the hide and the strips.
    Edit 2: Was your "not necessarily" in regard to the fact that legendary cards are supposed to be better than epic/rare/etc cards? Even if they're in the same cycle as in this case?
  7. Keyser

    Keyser Goblin Champion

    I'd take Chain Harness on a racial skill over Officer's Harness any day. The increased hand limit of Officer's Harness allows you to keep a really crappy piece of armor, whereas Chain Harness has double the average damage reduction and makes all your other armor cards better.
  8. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Keyser, I'd rather take both - especially in combination! But the officer's harness bends the rules, thus more "valuable" in terms of mechanics et c.
  9. Farbs

    Farbs Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Right, sorry, I was replying to the OP but typed a little slower than karadoc. A Legendary item isn't necessarily better than an Epic, it's just more rare. Rarer cards aren't necessarily better.
  10. Lucielle

    Lucielle Kobold

    And that part makes sense, except for in the context of cycles. The two items referenced above show the upgrade to the same item that occurs as a response to it becoming legendary. Except, well, the upgrade isn't really a noticeable one. So basically, we can universally state that the rarity of a weapon has little correlation to its usefulness?
  11. Keyser

    Keyser Goblin Champion

    There's certainly a correlation: I'm pretty sure that a random set of commons would get crushed consistently by a random set of legendaries. But the correlation is certainly imperfect, and usefulness of items depends strongly on how it works in combination with other items in the build.
  12. Bearson Onyx

    Bearson Onyx Goblin Champion

    gotta agree with Keyser on this one. regardless of the fact that rarer doesnt have to mean better I would take the chain harness ones because I'm looking for consistency and while the officers is a free card the chain harness reduces the roll by 1 which is amazing, get an item with enchanted harness in another item slot and you have 2 reliable mails when coupled. even alone it makes mail a hardy mail and so forth..
  13. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Probably not helping but i wouldn't use either of those :p

    That said if they where my only two dwarf skills i would definitely go for the chain harness one. Officers harness only becomes valuable if you have chain harnesses or enchanted harnesses in the deck already.
  14. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    A finer example of this: Ring Of Appropriation > Luke's Iron Hand

    In fact, the legendary one is strictly inferior than the epic version (as indicated by this list)

    This is a clear cut "better item" than the example in OP
  15. Bearson Onyx

    Bearson Onyx Goblin Champion

    not exactly the same, lucielle was claiming that a higher level legendary is inferior. I dont think anyone is surprised that a 15th level epic is better then a 9th legendary.
  16. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Sorry, I took his post to mean that the legendary item is inferior to the epic even if it's the legendary version of that item line. Though we can argue that these 2 items are clearly different, not one is superior or inferior to the others. Item level does not matter much the very moment you level beyond that. At that point, only token costs matter.
  17. Bearson Onyx

    Bearson Onyx Goblin Champion

    true. I think that actually hurts the game because some low level epics or legendaries are inferior to higher level commons or uncommons that you can purchase in a shop and have the same power token requirement so there are some legendaries that will never get played probably :(
    maybe a better way to go around that (and that is totaly irrelevant right now ofcourse) was to do a level cap. each character cant have more then 100 levels of equipment on it for example. then you might
    have seen more diversity I think.
    btw, speaking of cards and not items a great example of a common card better then an uncommon is mail (the uncommon) and hardy mail (the common). the only advantage mail has is "less likely to be destroyed by shred strike" ;)
  18. Guises

    Guises Goblin Champion

    I was when I first ran into this. I don't think it works at all with the power token system - if two items require the same number and type of power tokens, they're essentially in the same tier. Level should be meaningless beyond how many tokens an item takes to equip... This was my thinking anyway. Of my whopping three legionaries, two are completely useless since they're less powerful than common/uncommon items that I can get at the same tier.

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