So apparently I can make 5000+ gold in 4 days

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by progammer, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Oberon

    Oberon Hydra

    Players only miss out by their own choice. On completing any of the treasure quests a player would still see the extra epic or better item on the pillow. They have the choice to buy in to the pizza club at that time, each and every time they beat a treasure quest or MP battle, or generic quests they get the same option. If they're not interested in joining for the extra item, than that's their choice. The game still makes it perfectly clear what they are missing out on.
  2. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    It's true that it is the player's choice, and that they will see what they're missing out on. But the thing that might not be clear is that all those epic items are not just coming up by random chance. They are one-time bonuses that the player is unlikely to see again. Missing out on epic items in the club which come up by random chance is different to missing out on the one-time guaranteed epic items. Usually the club membership is about paying for a slightly greater probability of getting good items; but the guaranteed epics from the treasure hunts go far beyond that.

    Anyway, the point about club membership being less valuable after the treasure hunts is a side issue. I think the main issue is that the synergy between the treasure hunts and the club membership creates a flood of epic items which overshadows every other avenue of getting epic items, and which may cause the item hunting side of the end-game to be depleted far more rapidly than it otherwise would be.
  3. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    I dunno, finished all the treasure quests with club. Ended up with 2 epics and 1 legendary that was useable. So, for me the item hunting is far from over.
  4. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Got burned out the last 2 days, still managed to get to 6k gold selling epic treasures. Even for me, the item hunt is far from over. We'll be surprised how much epic and legendary items there are in the game


    There are 459 legendary/epic items, among 1300+ items total, which is about 35% of the total items. Legendary takes half of it, 17%. It's going to be a very long time until the item hunt is finished.

    Edit: for references, Sir Knight, a very dedicated beta players, only acquired around 750 unique items at the end of beta. Just a little bit over half of all the items.
  5. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    Sitting at 6500g, and with another week of Randimar's without a single item worth buying, I'm a bit more tempted to agree that there's a problem.
  6. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Maybe, but I would rather the problem of too much gold instead of not enough gold.
  7. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    The problem of too much gold is a result of getting about 7 legendary treasures, instead of other legendary items. It's not really that you missed out on gold, but that you got actual legendaries instead of ones worth 1000g.
  8. Barkam

    Barkam Mushroom Warrior

    All my legendaries have been crap. I actually prefer finding treasures now. This way I'll have cash to actually get the legendary i want.
    Banezilla likes this.
  9. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    My experience with the game is pretty limited still (currently doing lvl 11 quests in campaing + ~900 rating in MP). Been playing for less than a week.
    So yeah, I'm a newby, feel free to ditch this.

    First of all, I was wise enough to buy the Basic Edition upon doing the Treasure Hunts. The club epics have been a boon really. I think I was lucky enough no treasure dropped for me yet. I don't think the guaranteed club epics are unfair in the slightest. The vast majority of those kinda sucked too. I think till I completed the campaign before doing the hunts could had been more profitable?

    As already said, the game makes it very clear how that works. Furthermore, if you think about it, in the long run the additional epics you get are not going to make that huge a difference. You do get an almost immediate boost to your deck's effectiveness, but considering: 1) the guaranteed epic you get is not necessarily something you'll want to use in MP 2) you can't just stuff your deck with infinite epic items (i.e. limited talents).

    So yeah, you do get an advantage, but it's not that unbelievably unfair. You can still get epics/legendaries by grinding I guess. Which you'll do anyways.

    Monetarily speaking, I don't have much of a track record. But generically speaking, I don't see much of an issue if you can amass lots of goldin relatively little time.

    One important missing point which I think is being left out of the equation here is: how much are you grinding per day?

    This might be somewhat of an overestimation really, that's why I'm bringing this up.

    If you can get lots and lots of gold by basically putting tons of time in the game (4-8 hours + per day), then we're facing a non issue here. I guess the vast majority of the players reporting about huge gold profits belong to the hardcore, very dedicated userbase.

    As much as we (sry if I count myself in! :oops:) like to think everybody is going to achieve the best which you possibly could, truth is the vast majority of the CH players can't put multiple hours per day into the game. That's why the devs felt like treasures' sell price needed to be upped I suppose. People who can only spare a game or two every other day also need to feel like they're doing some progress!

    So yeah, if you really work for it, you can make the cards hunt go slightly (?) more swift. But Programmer was clear enough in showing how hunting cards you miss is not something achievable in little time. Quite the contrary.
  10. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Lemons, lemonade? I got 4 legendaries that I don't really want to use. total value in shop? 400g. At least if/when a good legendary appears in your shop, you can pounce on it.
  11. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

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