Limit matching ranking deviation at 3-5 % max

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Nickel, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. Nickel

    Nickel Kobold

    You really shoudnt pit 1150 against 1050 in my opinion. It is a whopping 10 percents of deviation in rankings.
  2. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    No one at high rankings would ever get queues.

    1150 vs 1050 should be no big deal. 2 losses by the 1150 and 3 wins by the 1050 would tie the two players. That's not exactly significant. It's 950 vs 1300 that's more irritating.
  3. Chompman

    Chompman Mushroom Warrior

    They could add some kind of system that keeps lower ranks at a much closer range while higher ranks at a larger one or just make computer ai matching faster if no one is detected early on.
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Specifically, they need to stop raising your rank 200 points when you beat Gary the first time.
  5. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    That only lasts til maybe the 600-700s.

    Literally impossible. For a 1300 to be able to play a 1100, the 1100 has to be able to play a 1300.
  6. Chompman

    Chompman Mushroom Warrior

    It's not that hard where it places you in a certain range based on your points so a person at 1100 would be at the 1000-1200 range they get matched at and a person at 1300 would be matched up with 1201 - 1500 and so on.
  7. Buncs

    Buncs Kobold

    But then they have to design a complicated algorithm and fix something that aint broke. Especially with more people online now, the system is fine. THe only problem i had was at the end of beta when people stopped playing because of the reset, and if i wasn't matched against lower rating people, i would just be playing against mom 90% of the time, or be waiting for 10 minutes for every game.
  8. Chompman

    Chompman Mushroom Warrior

    Except we have this thread talking about this issue in many of the posts:
  9. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Which happened during beta. As of now, there is one post in the five-page thread from after the full launch.

    There are many factors that decide who'll win a fight beyond the ranking numbers: massive differences in strategies, massive differences in random draws. Then rankings themselves are shifted by these factors plus wins versus the AI. If I get somebody 100 points away from me, I can't know the history that got them to that level, so I still don't know who will win.

    To really know the healthy range for matchmaking, the devs will need to look at more statistics than we player can see. They've already narrowed it. Hopefully, as they get tons of new information from this full release, they'll be able to refine it as appropriate.

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