Founder's Package

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Wozarg, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Are there any plans for some kind of founders package to be guaranteed to get in to the beta? I'm generally pretty cheap when it comes to F2P games but in this case i would drop 20-30 bucks of my hard earned money in a heartbeat.
  2. Ystin

    Ystin Orc Soldier

    Not sure that there is quite yet. They haven't really figured out what they're going to be doing in regards to making money quite yet.
    I, likewise, would be all sorts of ready to buy a founders package.
  3. Magnificent Bastard

    Magnificent Bastard Mushroom Warrior

    I too would be interested in something like this. I love supporting games that are in development. I purchased Minecraft when it was in Alpha, purchased a $120 Founder's Package for MechWarrior Online during it's closed beta, and recently pre-ordered Xenonauts (which is still in Alpha) and Desktop Dungeons (currently in Beta). I am also considering supporting several other games that are on Kickstarter right now.

    If Card Hunter does something similar (pre-order rewards or "Founders Packages" etc) they may want to do a tiered reward system based on how much a person is willing to pay for the product. I don't know what their business model is but I think it is important to cater to the varying levels of enthusiasm potential customers may have about their product. For example; I for one am very enthusiastic about Card Hunter so naturally that makes the amount I am willing to pay higher than someone who is less enthusiastic but still interested. This is all basic economics stuff that I'm sure they have considered but I'm just throwing it out there as free market data... heh.

    Best of luck to the developers of Card Hunter.
    Ystin likes this.
  4. Michael

    Michael Mushroom Warrior

    As much as I would be willing to drop $30 in support of this game (Uni student, times are tough) I think the main reason this hasn't come up as an option is that they don't need funding to see this through to release.
    There's like seven (someone fact check for me?) independently funded people working on this game and none of them are nearing financial instability or desperate enough to seek crowd-sourcing.
    (Not saying crowd-sourcing is bad, just currently unnecessary)
    If their financial situation changed and they felt that would affect the overall quality of the game, that's when they would open the (metaphorical) gates.
    For the record though, I would like to see a Kickstarter for this just to see how far it goes and what stretch goals would be discussed.

    Should also probably mention I'm talking out my ass here, just for the record.
  5. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    The name might be a bit missleading but it tends to be a F2P version of preeorder so it doesnt actually have to have anything to do with them running low on funds.
  6. Michael

    Michael Mushroom Warrior

    You are technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.
    My overall experience with Kickstarter is low, my apologies.

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