[SUGGESTION] Restart Adventure option

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by tempo, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. tempo

    tempo Kobold

    I think players should always have a "Restart Adventure"option available. If I lose in the first part of a module, there is no reason to "Replay" because if I were to then beat that part, I would only have two additional chances at beating the next part(s) of the module instead of three. So, whenever I lose in part 1, I always return to the map, click on another location to exit the adventure, leave that location, then go back to the original location. It would be easier if a "Restart Adventure" option were available in the first place.

    To prevent players from accidentally clicking it, perhaps show a pop-up message that tells them they will need to start all over again. Require the players to click "I understand."

    EDIT: I should clarify that this option should only appear when you lose. I just realized that I neglected to mention that above. There's no point restarting if you win!
  2. Melzidek

    Melzidek Kobold


    This has been bothering me enough that i was about to make a thread for it, then saw the above. Would be a great useability improvement!
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yup. This would be good - no point in wasting attempts on first map, so this should be a feature. Been suggested before. We need to make a list of these things!
  4. tempo

    tempo Kobold

    Thanks for the support. I've searched the forum for "restart" before and didn't initially spot this suggestion. However, I now see a thread here, which recommended the same thing.
  5. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    Or just use the normal button, but don't limit number of attempts until after you have passed the first map.
  6. tempo

    tempo Kobold

    Good point. We don't even need the "Replay" option. If we lose in part 1, the only option should just be "Restart Adventure."

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