I'd like to see the selling price increase a bit for non-treasure rare/epic/legendary items. Treasure prices for r/e/l were increased earlier in beta so that they didn't feel so disappointing, but equipment that isn't useful continues to be just as disappointing (example: Unholy Nimbus). Treasure currently sells for 8-1o times the selling price of r/e/l items of the same rarity. Currently, the selling prices are (correct me if I'm wrong, this is from memory) Rare Equipment: 5 Gold Epic Equipment: 20 Gold Legendary Equipment: 100 gold Rare Treasure: 40 Gold Epic Treasure: 200 Gold Legendary Treasure: 1000 Gold I propose making it worth half as much as treasure: Rare Equipment: 20 Gold Epic Equipment: 100 Gold Legendary Equipment: 250 gold Alternatively, just doubling the current sell price could also work (might help keep gold more scarce). Rare Equipment: 10 Gold Epic Equipment: 40 Gold Legendary Equipment: 200 Gold Thoughts?
My first thought is that I'd use Unholy Nimbus. It's surprisingly difficult to find Unholy Frenzy sometimes, I'd just have to be going up against magical enemies to want the Shimmering Aura, and said item has no power token cost. I'll take it. For the rest, I'm on record as stating that I like games where individual pieces of currency matter. Here, they matter. With all the items churned out by an obsessive player, you could expect somebody to get several hundred gold from selling basic gear per day. Over weeks, that's enough to purchase any arbitrary item you'd want at any time, even if they're totaled up from sales at 1, 2, and 5 gold. The fact that Treasure is worth so much more now is awfully nice, and helps people get those purchases even more quickly. Now you might even be able to afford inflated-by-level-difference items. The fact that no one could afford such things before was my main concern with the system. And don't forget that there are other people (like those in the linked thread) who feel Treasure has no reason to exist: keeping such a difference (not negating it by raising gear sale values) means they now see a reason. So I'm quite alright with the massive variety in selling prices we have now. But we've debated this for a long time, and there are plenty of voices other than my own, so don't think I'm just trying to shut you down here.
My main concern is that getting a legendary/epic that isn't that useful is made less satisfying by the low selling price. If I recall, part of the reason the selling price of treasure was increased was to make finding rare+ treasure more exciting, instead of disappointing. Even if only epic/legendary items had a selling price increase (that way guaranteed rares from mp wouldn't become easy money), it would make finding one that you don't find useful less frustrating. Finding a legendary should be a "Booyah!" moment, not a "Oh sweet! A legen-oh... aw come on. sigh." moment. As for Unholy Nimbus... why bother when mass frenzy is available It's not that it's actually useless, but there are common items that are better... Seriously though, whether an item seems useful or not is going to differ player to player, but wouldn't you feel much more excited finding a Vibrant Pain compared to a Hand-Held Ram (excluding humor value )?
The reason treasure price was increased was because it does nothing and that is deeply dissapointing to get instead of a legendary. That said we should not scale up price any more that just leads to insane inflation if the devs think prices are wrong they should lower treasure instead.
Perhaps a decrease in treasure selling price, and an increase in equipment selling price? Something like: Rare Treasure: 20 Gold Epic Treasure: 100 Gold Legendary Treasure: 500 Gold Rare Equipment: 10 Gold Epic Equipment: 50 Gold Legendary Equipment: 250 gold That way treasure is still fun because it sells for more, but getting a disappointing item isn't so bad either, because you can at least get a reasonable amount of gold for it.
I don't know i really don't think legendarys should be sold regardless as most of them has some use. Besides lets be honest do we really need more gold i know at least for me i only played one day and already i have more gold than i can shake a stick at after buying the stuff i wanted in the rare store.
As someone who spent a lot of time grinding in the beta, I think you always need to remember that completing an adventure gives you a good amount of items. So eventually, when you are in the position where you're selling all the commons and uncommons (and eventually rares too), you can still easily net 15-20 gold per adventure which worked out pretty well. I tend to be ok with the current sell prices. I think lower item prices help reinforce the idea of keeping your items to new players. Sell your treasure, but keep your items. The game can be incredibly difficult if you sell off a lot of your early items, only to learn they would have helped on a later adventure.
In short, you would like a return to the system we had immediately before now (where Treasure gave twice as much gold as everything else), but the total sell prices jacked up for high-rarity things. While I'm okay with it in principle (I was okay with it when we had the aforementioned system!), we have proof that it will not satisfy gamers: people complained and complained that they hated Treasure when it was at double value. Hence my comments that Treasure needs to have its absurdly high value to satisfy them. With Oberon's comment there, you can see where I came up with the figure of "500 gold a day for an obsessed gamer" that I linked in my last post. 1 plus 2 plus 5 adds up--and this isn't even talking about the jackpots currently available with Treasure. 500 is now an underestimate. Of course, I still need to play for awhile in this new release (at my usual semi-casual pace) and see how things look.