Thanks, Kalin. Those are all the right items. And it looks like I remembered everything correctly except for the helmet. For my item collection, I didn't sell any non-treasure items at all (as far as I remember). Items generally don't sell for very much gold, and so I figured I might as well just let the collection grow rather than spending ages dragging items across the screen one by one and hoping that I don't accidentally mess something up.
You can ctrl-click to sell, but yeah you need to be a bit careful. In the past we've talked about adding a sort-by-item-count option, so you can quickly find unnecessary duplicates. It's somewhere on the wish list I think.
Is there a statistic anywhere that records number of accts wiped, number of items wiped by breakdown ? Just for fun
You know, the high-rarity items in this game have fantastic names. Mokad's "Reeking Skull"? A club "of Evasion"? And I've had Red Jon's Boots, so I wonder if there might be some story behind this "Jon" character . . . Seriously? Wow, then this game REALLY will need better sorting and subsetting controls as it proceeds. The flood of new items that would come from adding the Rogue will make the default inventory screen pretty crazy. And shops are already hard enough to peruse for interesting tidbits. But thanks for letting me know the count. He he he, that feels good.
Realizing that you can use the search box to look for specific cards, or even specific effects (like penetrating) really helped me to keep spare gear laying around. Well, that and the whopping 1 gold sell price on so much of it...
That's a lot of bacon. I sold all of my treasures. I didn't have that much gold until the end when I got the Fine Brass Toupee.
I don't have the players or gold numbers, but through beta there were 3,086,553 battles played to completion, not counting any on the test server or dev servers.
approx 11712 items per day or 0.135 items/sec or 7.377 secs/item approx 11432 battles per day or 0.132 battles/sec or 7.56 secs/battle Bots !