Devs have plans for a rogue class, but I'm guessing it won't be part of the release on the 12th (no rogue figures in the basic edition). I'd love to see more races. Halflings, racial traits: good luck (+1 to die rolls), unthreatening (can't be targeted by enemies, duration 1) Trolls: regeneration, stupidity (same effect as mind worm) In any case, I'm confident there will eventually be more options.
I'd really like a Marksman class or something similar added to the game, to make a ranged character available for people who don't really like wizards
I've been daydreaming about these a bit. Here's the ones that are interesting to me: Monk Has specialized armor (monastic robes) and weapons (bo staff, nunchuks). They're similar to warriors, but they have more parries and blocks and less armor. They don't have giant attacks, which is bad for armor (though they have traits that make their punches or kicks penetrating), but they've got individual cards that do multiple attacks, which is good against blocks. They have many traits which indicate different styles (tiger, drunken, gangam). Bard Has a bunch of music-themed abilities that are mostly about card or action manipulation. "Rousing ballad" makes all characters draw a card. "Unholy Melody" makes the target take two damage but makes their next two actions cantrips. It's possible that the bard would be hard enough to balance that you'd just want to keep the class out of multiplayer games.
Not yet. I believe the only Projectile attacks currently available to players are Entangling Roots and War Cry.
Pinning Spear Toss used to be available on player items. I hope to see its return. But in general, remember what new classes and races mean. For classes: You have to come up with a pattern of character slots that's interesting. All the current classes have very different patterns (see here). Sure, you could solve the "variety" problem by just saying "well, my new class will have lots of UNIQUE item slots!" like the Heavy Armor vs. Divine Armor distinction, but then you run into a problem: diluting the item pool. Because you CAN'T have more than one of each class in your three-person party, ALL of the unique items for a fourth or fifth class will be "junk" until you recruit such a class. (And some casual players never will.) For races: You have to come up with a default Move card that fits logically with the other races, and Racial Skills that are also logical and complementary. There are only so many Move cards, and so races will get redundant pretty quickly--but all told a race is probably easier to make than a class. Some videogames (I'm looking at you, Blizzard games) give the impression that "just adding more classes and races" is "just what you do to make a game better." It's different when the game is so strategic, and can actually make a game worse if you don't balance it well.
That's a really good point. My thought would be that there would be monk or bard adventures (one type for each class). You can do them with anyone, but about half the drops are for the class. Outside the class dungeons, the drops are rare, maybe 10%. So you kind of start a new game with the monk. I don't get what you mean by saying you can't have more than one of each class in your three person party? Do you mean that, once you get four classes, you have to not have one in your party? It'd be a pretty small difference if there was just a race skill. Still, I'd love to play an orc with 'infected bite' and 'clumsy' on his race skill list, even if they're like a human 85% of the time. Huh, but it's not set in stone you need the same move card, is it? Hobbits could get 'walk' half the time and 'cautious sneak' half the time. Well, sometimes it works. The new WoW races haven't lured me back since I left before Burning Crusade, but the Assassin in Diablo 2 about tripled the time I spent playing that. Both Starcrafts got me back with their new units. But I'll concede cards could take care of this problem and maybe it'd be better. With a little work, Clerics could do what I describe bards doing and fighters could do be monks.
My ideal would be for them to add Halflings and Rogues at the same time. Halflings should get flanking move as their default move card (sacrificing distance for utility) and have roughly the same HP as Humans. Their racial should have duck, flank, and line of sight altering cards. I think they should have rogue weapons (focused on backstab, poison, and stun abilities), "tricks" (stuns, invisibility/Line of Sight, slides, attach effects), common armor and boots, but no helmet or shield.
I doubt it, Halt 2 is very powerful for a card with more than 2 range. Look at the similar situation with Stun. There is only 1 item you can get Stun with, and with a pretty hefty drawback trait (Large Weapon). If it will be in, the drawback will be enormous, or it will have to be a lesser version of the card.
I would like to see all the classic races and classes become available: Gnome Halfling Half-elf Assassin Bard Druid Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue
For a while now, I've been imagining Halfling being low HP like an elf, but using something like Scuttle for the racial move. Would that be too OP? It sounds weak-ish, but the fact that it would likely mean a lot of opportunities for backstabs that ignore frontal armor or blocks sounds both racially appropriate, and really game changing. I mostly imagine them behaving like elves, but replacing stuff in the racial skills that lets you run long distance with the moves that go a shorter distance but do something sneaky. Things like Quick Step. I suppose the only new item this would generate a necessity for on its own would be one type of new racial skill, but every time I go to the store to vendor my huge useless piles of common/uncommon race and class skills, I can't help but feel like maybe that particular pool could actually use some diluting with a fourth option.
I could see Halfling move where it bypass the Stop rule for moving around a character. Also would like to see a more beefy race. Along the line of Barbarian, Half-Orc, Half-Giant.
Typically in fantasy role-playing games, Barbarian is a class, not a race. Also, I believe a Barbarian class is being planned: