I am trying to decide which pizza package to get as beta winds up. I am currently planning on the $20 pack. That said, I like the extra mileage I could get out of the $50 pack. I am definitely going to buy all of the treasure hunts. I am not planning on subscribing to the club (maybe for the first month, if I have plenty of time to play). Also, I am not sure I would spend much on avatars and probably nothing on gold. Besides the virtue of supporting the developers, what can I look forward to spending my pizza on if I go with the $50 purchase?
It all depends on how long you plan. I myself spent 50 - and plan to save some for future content releases (thinking more treasure hunts or possibly limited classes?), which I find likely to be pizza based. Not interested in chests, and will probably subscribe for a month to start with.
Sounds like you are in the same boat as me. I may not have been following the game as closely lately, but i don't have a strong impression of what the development plan is at this point. I would probably want to buy any "content" upgrades, and would be open to buying things like character/build slots etc. I suspect classes would be free, but it may depend on their financing.
True, there's never been any kind of hint that future classes would be purchaseable - so, probably not - but as you say, guess it's down to the game's success how the future will be monetized. Just wanted to throw that disclaimer out there.
Maybe this will help: https://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/how-much-does-that-cost.3233/ My "strategy" is going to be to buy the treasure hunts and a few MP packs to get a good start. Then i'll be doing a little MP each day to get the first few chests while focusing on the campaign. The first time i see a really good item on the club pillow i'll join for a month. I'm going to save some pizza for future content, maybe an occasional cool outfit that is on sale, and maybe an occasional club month when i have time to really use it. $50 seems about right for that - i've already gotten more play from this game than for many other $50 games i've played, that's for sure.
Remember that as beta testers we get a stack of figures for free. For the first month I am definitely getting the treasure hunts. As this will allow me max XP and quickly unlock the lv 11 item shop.
As you already remarked, $20 is enough to get all treasure hunts plus a month of club membership. So basically that leaves only two things to buy if you spend more than $20: More figures, or more items. Figures is pretty straight-forward. For buying more items you have several different options: Indirectly via a longer card hunter membership (if you play a decent amount of games every month). Directly by exchanging pizza for gold and then using the gold in one of the shops to buy the items you want. Or randomly by buying chests. Note that if you don't want to spend much and are at the start of the game, Simple Chests with 2 random items for only 18 gold are a good way to quickly get to a decent collection with some choice in deckbuilding. But if you play longer or spend a lot, you'd be better off going for Epic Chests, as you'll have common and rare cards enough and only miss epics and legendaries in your collection.
Chests purchased with gold aren't very good; only two items with no guarantees on rarity. (Out of 20 chests I got 1 epic, 2 rares, 7 uncommons, and 30 commons.) I'd keep my pizza as pizza and save my gold for the rare shop instead. If someone wants to buy a bunch of cards to start with, I'd suggest the Basic Edition, then immediately spend the 100 pizza on starter decks: buy the dwarves and whichever other one fits your playing style (don't buy the Adventurers; you'll get that one free). Then focus on getting 1 or 3 MP victories every day plus however much of the campaign (including treasure hunts) you have time for. If possible, try to finish all the treasure hunts before your club membership expires. If you don't care about extra figures and aren't planning on playing every day, $20 will get you all the treasure hunts, all the starter decks, and an epic chest.
I spent 50$ as soon as it was possible but that was to show my support i could have gotten away with a 20$ with pizza to spare with what i plan to buy. But as some people have said try to look towards the future already if you think you will stick around for a long time even if its just coming back every time it updates a 50$ will probably give you better value down the line since its generally one treasure hunt every level and another 30? ( feel free to correct me) planned for the future so that makes something like 28-29 treasure hunts who are bound to be fun and interesting.
We get free figures IF we purchase pizza right now. I mention this just in case anyone new is reading the thread and becomes confused: these pizza decisions need to be made before the downtime/reset/launch or else we get no "bonus" goodies at all. http://www.cardhunter.com/2013/09/free-figures-for-all-beta-pizza-purchases Otherwise, yes, the free figures really help me feel comfortable with my purchase. I'd liked the "beta exclusive" figures, but wasn't sure that two figures total was worth the "early adoption." Now it's worth it to me.
Or if you have already purchased pizza - as long as you purchase or have purchased it some time between when we switched away from the PayPal sandbox and tomorrow when the servers go down.
Thanks for the replies. I went for the $20 purchase to make sure I got the beta figurines. I will look forward to spending more, especially if post-release attention to the game keeps me interested!
Damn being unemployed right now - though thanks to ALL who I've played MP and for the gamers who add different things for the campaign..., appreciated lots! would love to buy and contribute - hopefully will be able to do so soon...