[Suggestion] Maps, draft

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Kilopip, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Kilopip

    Kilopip Mushroom Warrior

    Please some new maps, for heavens sake :). Maybe with new patch? Pretty please.

    Also I was watching that other evil ccg and thinking how drafts are fun to play. I guess that would be hard to do with CH.
  2. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    You mean Hearthstone ? I like that draft mode actually. In a way with CH, you never have full control over your deck, you just have control over items which makes up your deck. Having a game mode where card/items are randomized should be fun and does not detach much from the original experience.
  3. Ineptie

    Ineptie Mushroom Warrior

    You could have a mode where you draft for items. That would be fun.
  4. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    Maps will rotate I'm sure. As for drafts it's already something they know they want to do...
    Kilopip likes this.
  5. Kilopip

    Kilopip Mushroom Warrior

    Yes, I have mixed feelings about it. Looks fun but also looks like it will cost to much $ to enjoy. Lets hope they increase the F2P rather than P2P.
  6. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    (somewhat off topic)
    I watched a couple of the official videos for Hearthstone, and I'm already cringing at the thought of putting up with that narrator. ("Ah, my favourite way to play"; "you and your deck are unstoppable!" etc.) I don't think I could endure that for more than a couple of games... but maybe it can be disabled in the game's options.

    Even still, from what I've seen Card Hunter seems to have a lot more tactical depth - and that suits me. I'm not tempted by Hearthstone.
  7. Lockon

    Lockon Mushroom Warrior

    Bah, just do what I do. Play them ALL. Seriously, I'm in WAY too many games, but, eh, I'm never short for a game, and individual games updates don't bother me as much.
  8. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    I can play them all but to play seriously, I can't do that to all of them. The nature of CCG/TCG reqruies a large investment (time/money) to get to where I feels enjoyable (execute the strategy you like etc..).

    About hearthstone in particular, it has depth, but not as much as I would like. I feels like they intended to design something more casual than their own WoW TCG, and also to be the testing ground for F2P model.
  9. Keyser

    Keyser Goblin Champion

    I was going to reply that I'd like to have maybe a dozen MP maps in rotation at a time. But then I had a more radical thought: how hard would it be to make a decent random map generator?
  10. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    With the ability to create custom map, you don't have to ask developers that question anymore :)

    Getting devs to implement some algorithm we wrote is a different story however.

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