[Suggestion] Setting monster point values

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Kalin, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    How many stars you get for a killing a monster is currently set in the monster database. And for most maps this value doesn't matter, since you only win by killing everything and the stars just measure your progress.

    But sometimes the level designer wants to do something special like monsters you don't have to kill to win (Giant Cockroaches), which requires setting their point value to 0. The problem here is that doing so restricts the monster to that situation and you'll need a slightly different version of the monster for other situations. (And the monster database is already full of slight variations of certain monsters, like the 5 different Armored Skeletons.)

    What if the scenario editor could set (or override) the monster point values? That would give designers a lot more freedom to make maps with goals other than "kill everything that moves". The point value can be shown to the player in the pop-up box when you hover over the figure.
  2. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    No opinions on it myself since I haven't built a map yet. But for further clarification:

    Do you want to assign star values to each individual specific monster figure, to each "draw group" (Share cards each turn), or to each type of figure at all (all cockroaches, regardless of draw group)?

    I think doing it by draw groups would probably be easiest, especially for display purposes. Instead of showing on mouse-over tooltip, you can display the star value right under their portrait on the top along with the size of the deck/graveyard.
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    All members of a group have to have the same point value. But in some cases a monster will be worth 2 points when alone, but only one point (each) when in a group (this is one of those "slight variations" I mentioned above).

    If you display the value by the portrait, I'm afraid some people would think that's the amount for the whole group, not each member, but of course we could do both.
  4. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    I went into the editor expecting a full fledged editor with the ability to construct custom deck for monster or any NPC you control. Then again that was my expectation back when it was still Club content. Now that it is free, I feels like a better editor is needed and i'll definitely pay for that. The free editor will still allow player to play any scenario, but only club members can make them.

    Sum up: Customized monster deck, monster name, HP, figurine, star value.

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