pushes op

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by iluvGodlilachNyadel, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Team pushes should not be able to move someone entangled. and a whirlwind should have to do a roll if it pulls someone entangled.
  2. Heretiick

    Heretiick Goblin Champion

    So, really what you are saying is that Halt is underpowered. I could maybe get behind that idea, if it prevented all movement then it would definitely become much stronger and possibly compete with Encumber.
  3. Kilopip

    Kilopip Mushroom Warrior

    They are the only way to deal with encumber at the moment. If you took that out it would be whirlwind deck that would be the only counter to encumber/lava.
  4. Heretiick

    Heretiick Goblin Champion

    I was not talking about encumber, I am talking about spells with the "Halt" keyword. I think that those spells could use a buff.
  5. Kilopip

    Kilopip Mushroom Warrior

    They are just fine. Not only does it prevent any movement but it also stops any step attacks.
  6. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    No it prevents them from using any movement which is a big big difference with all the pushes slides and team moves around. I agree that halt is at the very least slightly underpowered.
  7. Eusix

    Eusix Orc Soldier

    In thinking about this, it would make for some interesting gameplay if the Halt mechanic worked as a "no one can move this character for any reason for 1 round".
    You may choose to "anchor" one of your toons to a victory square that round for instance and make it worth placing on your own toon.
    It also goes a little better with the wording, "Attach to target character. Target may not play Move cards. If target moves, reduce it's move points to zero."

    Something to consider.
    Neofalcon likes this.
  8. dmar314

    dmar314 Goblin Champion

    I like that idea, because it makes hit the deck more interesting as you can try to block with it on a victory point. Also you can use entangling roots as a faux immovable to prevent getting whirlwinded.

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