Difficulty curve getting nasty by level 8?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by CreakLiege, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. CreakLiege

    CreakLiege Kobold

    I see it as perfectly natural for the difficulty to go up as you progress, but it feels like it curves to hard at around level 8. I've encountered armored dogs that cycle for attack cards and devastate when they vicious touch twice in a turn and can cycle for more attacks. A armored golem was in another level 8 adventure that has 14 damage bash attacks and breaks the armor while two minions each hit for 8 and break armor. I nearly got through one with a lot of movement play. But the damage isn't something I can heal through/absorb fast enough or match in melee.
  2. Heretiick

    Heretiick Goblin Champion

    This is a common complaint, the difficulty spikes pretty hard mid-game. One thing you might try is jumping into some MP and battling for better loot. Also, try changing up your team a little. If you know that there will be hard hitters in melee range then put more focus on your wizard and protecting him. There are many ways to overcome the challenge!
  3. CreakLiege

    CreakLiege Kobold

    MP wouldn't matter because I lack the powerpoints to wear better loot. Currently stuck in the final staffords treasure encounter where they just generate so much card advantage for the enemies there.
  4. Heretiick

    Heretiick Goblin Champion

    Good News! MP evens out the playing field by making all characters max level (currently 18). So you can go in, get the starter party that Gary instructs you to get, make some changes as you see fit, and start up.

    As far as the stafford adventure, are you stuck on the final fight of the first campaign mission or the final fight of the second? I would be more specific, but I don't want to spoil the campaign.
  5. CreakLiege

    CreakLiege Kobold

    I'm stuck on the final fight of the second where stafford, 2 dogs, and a guard are protecting treasure. I cannot use a lot of the pvp gear because I lack the power points to equip them. My level 8 characters only have 2 blue points each so the gear selection is a lot smaller.
  6. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

  7. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    Just to reiterate Heretiick's point: when you go into multiplayer your characters will be automatically levelled up to 18 and will receive the corresponding HP and power tokens (4 blue and 4 yellow), allowing you to equip better gear. When you return to the campaign your characters will return to the level that they were before you entered multiplayer.
    That is a tough fight, not least because you can't really afford to have a character die and the mercenary starts so close to you. I found that the luck of the opening draw plays a much bigger part than in most battles.
  8. DragnHntr

    DragnHntr Orc Soldier

    The difficulty does ramp up, but I think the main issue is that at some point, a persons default generic strategy and loadout that they use for all the missions up to that point becomes less effective and they start having serious trouble beating the missions. It isn't immediately obvious because hey, it worked up to this point right? However once the difficulty starts ramping up you are expected to customize your loadout specifically for each mission to take advantage of their weakness and overcome their strengths to achieve victory.

    Look through your loadout again and see if there are any pieces that you may have ignored before that could help overcome the difficulty in these new situations. Unless you have been selling all your gear in which case you are screwed :p

    Some examples of what I mean, if enemies have devastating attacks, load up on ranged attacks, even polearms could help, and movement to stay away from them. If they just destroy your armor, don't rely on it as much, maybe try blocks instead. If they are armored go for piercing attacks. You can also change your strategy to match. Try being more conservative, or more mobile. Just some ideas.

    I am not saying that the difficulty doesn't ramp up, but they are still beatable. I believe that it is the devs intention for the game to be very difficult.
  9. Avarice

    Avarice Goblin Champion

    I got through the guard by changing my "healing" priest to more of a "damage" priest. (Vicious Thrust and life stealing.) By having three all three characters doing damage it gave me much more reliable (and higher overall) damage output. I couldn't do enough damage fast enough otherwise.

    I'm only level 10 now, but it feels like the damage is rapidly outpacing the healing. It's DPS or forget it. I'll tuck in some healing around the edges, but that's about it.
  10. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    This. Very much this.

    Healing is on the weak side in this game on purpose - to keep the game fast paced.

    There are ways to get an adequate healer, especially in the higher levels when you get better cards but for most of the campaign you're clearly better off with a melee/buff priest.
  11. CreakLiege

    CreakLiege Kobold

    Maybe I just had some seriously odd luck or something, but I was able to pull some great gear from the stores and my toons definitely feel on the level again.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.

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