[Suggestion] Items that are meant to be sold converted into gold

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by MadHab, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. MadHab

    MadHab Kobold

    If the 'raison d'être' of an item is only to be sold at a shop, shouldn't the player be spared the work of doing so? Give the guy 50 gold instead of an item that sells for 50 gold...

    Unless... the devs plan to create collections of items that have their individual value augmented when combined. So a blue gem could be individually selled for 20 and a yellow gem could be worth 30 alone, but if sold *together* they could earn the player, say, 55 gold. This way, people would have to decide between seeling items immediately (and benefit right away) or to keep them for the future, in the hopes of getting better profits by selling "combos"...


    Mad Hab
  2. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    'Spared the work' - that's your #firstworldproblems right there, I think.

    The meta of the story is that you're playing old skool D&D, where you got "loot" which comes in the form of treasure. Sad people like myself - hopefully it's not just me - don't sell all of our treasure for gold. I have a 'Treasure Room' back in the Keep for all of those 'interesting' treasures. The White Star Diamond means more to me in my own meta than mere gold and my cache of Dwarven Ale only matures as it ages, right? ;)
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I hope they do something more with the treasure than its current gold value, but I guess it could be viewed as a reason to visit the store more often - intended game design, so you just don't get mystery gold for adventures.
  4. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    Don't worry, I'm sure it's not just you. I seem to recall Sir Knight had quite the collection of Amethyst Shards.
    That is certainly an interesting idea. It would definitely increase the excitement of opening a chest and finding treasure. Can it be combined with something else I already own to make a super-valuable treasure? Will skip_intro find some Troll Cigars to put with five bottles of Dwarven Ale to make a Dwarven Adventuring Lunch? Could this be the chest that finally gives Sir Knight that Amethyst Bust to combine with his 10/100/1000* Amethyst Shards to make a Lifesize Amethyst Statue... or should he save those shards until he can build an entire Amethyst House?!

    Ahem. Anyway, in case you can't tell I like this idea. I'm not sure how easy it would be to implement though.

    * Delete / add more zeros as appropriate.
    MadHab and skip_intro like this.
  5. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    I like this idea, a sort of crafting layer to add some interest to the 'boring' loot.
    MadHab likes this.
  6. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Selling treasure in sets for extra gold sounds kinda fun and it doesn't have to be too hard work to bunch up similar treasure so I'm all for this idea.
    MadHab likes this.
  7. Keyser

    Keyser Goblin Champion

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