[Feedback]Extra Squares Depending on Position

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by RogueJello, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. RogueJello

    RogueJello Kobold

    You can essentially double the number of squares covered by Acid Jet, depending on where you point. Seems like it should be a single square, not double. extrasquares.png
  2. Ultreos

    Ultreos Mushroom Warrior

    That is single square mechanics. Double square would be a 2x2 square.
  3. Here´s what happens

    Linear spells work by drawing a straight line from the caster to the target. This straight line might cover squares that might otherwise be outside of your line of sight, which is why these spells are so useful.

    Look at your casting area, and imagine you are aiming your linear spell straight at the slime, now draw a line from yourself to the slime. See how your line goes straight through the middle of each square? That´s because its a straight diagonal. Tilt it slightly to a side, now what happens? It´s covering two complete lines of rows because it is now "strafing" through the side of two rows of squares. Do the experiment, go to paint, draw a line from the center of your wizard to the center of the final square, see what i mean. I dont have time to do that myself atm sadly.

    This is a feature of Linear spells, since otherwise it would be too difficult to reliaby land a hit on more than one target
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yeah, diagonals in a grid based game are always going to be odd.
  5. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Should have done a hex game. ;)
    progammer and Kalin like this.
  6. Stefan

    Stefan Mushroom Warrior

    Lol, Noooooo

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