The most fun cards

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by karadoc, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    Regardless of what's powerful, there are some cards that I think are particularly fun to have and to play. Generally, my favourites are cards that aren't intrinsically very powerful, but which can be used in a few different ways in different situations. Here are my top three:

    Misguided Heal: often I face the choice of healing the character that needs it the most, vs. healing the character who's most likely to block the initial damage and thus gain the most HP from the heal. I like that kind of choice. It's also not uncommon to face a choice between healing an ally, or attempting to killing an enemy and hoping they don't have a hidden armour card. So I like that there are a lot of possibilities and tradeoffs for this card.

    Telekinesis: There are many ways to use this card. Sometimes it's just as simple as moving one of your characters a bit closer to the enemy, just like Walk - but obviously it can also be used to push enemies away from vulnerable characters; or to lift enemies onto harmful terrain; or lift allies off of harmful terrain; or to get someone around a corner to give them better line of sight; or to lift an enemy off the victory square so that they don't win... and so on. It's a not a hugely powerful card, but it's very versatile. Advanced Telekinesis has even more possibilities - in particular, I reckon it's really cool when Advanced Telekinesis can be used to both bring my melee attacker and some weaker enemy unit together. Winds Of War is again more powerful, but in some sense that makes it less interesting because it doesn't take as much thought to get good value out of it. Pretty much anything someone does with Winds Of War is going to be powerful - and so it just isn't as satisfying as making a powerful move with the much weaker Telekinesis card.

    (While I think of it, here's a suggestion to nerf Winds Of War in a way that might make it more interesting: make it so that each character pushed can only move in a straight line, like Charge. That way it would be a more unique card, and a bit more situational, and it's someone consistent with the idea that these characters and being blown by a strong wind rather than carefully maneuvered around corners and so on.)

    Dodge: It's kind of cool that I can choose to use this as a move card, or as a pseudo block card - but the best part about it is the dodge (pseudo block) itself. It's so satisfying when I position my characters such that they can dodge around a corner to avoid ranged attacks; and I really like when a choice arises between dodging away from an attack to avoid the damage, or dodging further into enemy lines so that I can use my own attacks when it's my turn. Maybe the uses of this card aren't as varied as the previous cards I mentioned, but it really is great fun to use. (I get a bit disappointed when one of my dodging characters gets encumbered in multiplayer games...)


    So those are my three. I'm interested to hear what other people's favourite cards are. I'm kind of expecting All Out Attack and Counterspell to get a mention...
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    When I got my first Shoddy Healing Token I thought this was the greatest card ever (I had already been killing monsters with Unholy Frenzy).

    One of my current favorite cards: Muscle Through
    This is so much fun, especially in MP.

    And I use Firestorm far too often. I had a no power token grinding party with a wizard holding five of them; a party of elves, with low level health...
    Essence likes this.
  3. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Yeah. My favorite cards are ones that move others too

    Add Barge to that list
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I have a weakness for Jump Back. Because it's a Keep card it can be incredibly annoying to your opponent when you can position to take advantage of it.
  5. Generica

    Generica Mushroom Warrior

    Dodge and Jump Back are great, so is Firestorm. Counterspell is funny because in MP you often don't want the block to succeed, you want to deprive the enemy of two cards instead of one. I'm okay with getting hit with the first part of a mage's combo so I can drain his spells and make a play once he's out of cards.

    Healing cards that trigger opponent's blocks are awesome like Healing Pulse and I think Bungled Heal. Mass Frenzy is a friendly face with great art that got me through many single player missions. Arcane Aura is fun too and i like the no-keep armor counterplay to it.

    Bless is tremendous fun in multiplayer as long as it doesn't get turned into lava right away. It creates a lot of fun strategy and can be used to clear terrain yourself. Haven't collected any Volcano items yet but it seems like it could be really evil and fun. We can't forget Icy Block - what an devious way to trap an opponent on lava.

    My favorite card right now though is Smoke Bomb.

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