Hi! I have some ideas about the interface. For the deckbuilder interface: - I think it would be great if the reset button also clears the text from search field. When I press reset I do it because i want to see everything, but if there is text enterd to the search box then I have to manually delete it. - It would be great to show some statistics about the deck I'm using. The summarized number of the different card types (X attack card, Y blocks etc) and maybe some probabilities of drawing that type of card on the first round. Visually, maybe make the character sheet longer and put the stats below the cards. Maybe it could go as fourth "tab" next to the characters, showing individual and summrized deck statistics. - I would also appreciate litte more fine tuning for the item filters, like "show me weapons with exactly one minor token". I know this sort of works with the current interface but a little tedious to mouse over every item. Also it would be great to order items by the time they were aquired. - I think the interface should let me rename characters that are not in my current party. For shops: Please add a buyback option, it happend to me that I accidentally sold one my items and didn't have the money to buy it back
Yes, please! Other than that, there is already general support from the community for more complex sorting/filtering/subsetting/whatever-the-terms-are. I believe the devs have said they'd like to include more options, and they have already expanded functionality a couple times. (My pet feature would be the ability to "nest" sorts.) Also, I think that a "buyback" option is coming soon.
Your suggestions are of a different type than mine, but I thought I'd link to my UI thread here as well: http://www.cardhunter.com/forum/threads/suggestions-user-interface-improvements.2776/
Yeah, that "reset" button is a little odd. It used to say "all items" but there's another filter toggle next to it that also has an "all" option. Currently it just resets the slot filter. I could easily make it reset all filters and, possibly, the sort options as well?
My vote would be resetting all filters and keeping the same sort option. And along those lines, I wish the sort option were retained after leaving the inventory. I almost always sort by level, and it would be nice not to have to choose that every time.
Yeah, keep the sort as it is. Filters and sorting should remain separate, you can reset a filter but resetting a sort is strange.
I have lost count of the times I have put something in the search box, like "shim" saw the list of filtered items, clicked on one then hit space to see the card set, only for the search box to change to "shim " and filter out all of the items. Drives me mad!