[Suggestion] Unlock Quests Earlier

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Assussanni, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    This has been discussed elsewhere previously but I don't think it has ever been the main focus / in the title of a thread before. With the game seemingly approaching release I thought that this should change.

    For those who don't know what quests are here is a short summary:
    • They require completing a campaign adventure under special conditions. e.g. none of your characters are allowed to die or your party can only be elves.
    • You get one attempt rather than three before you have to restart or pay to continue.
    • They award a random item of guaranteed rare quality or better upon completion in addition to standard loot.
    • They do not give XP.
    • They unlock once the campaign has been completed.
    I feel that there are good reasons for having quests unlock earlier. Foremost amongst them is that they give people who get stuck during the campaign something else to do which should serve to increase their chances when they come to try again. Rather than simply replaying exactly the same level they've played before, which can be boring and feel like a grind, they may now have to think more carefully about not letting any of their characters die (hopefully developing new strategies and more careful play) or try out using a party of all elves instead of their all dwarf party or vice-versa (experiencing what can be done with high mobility or high HP). And at the end of it not only have they hopefully improved their Card Hunter skills but they now have all the loot that replaying the adventure would normally give, including a rare item! All of this will make them better equipped for the adventure where they got stuck.

    I also feel that by enabling the gathering of guaranteed rare items earlier membership of the Card Hunter club becomes more apparent and more appealing - completion of a single quest will give two items which are at least rare.

    If the reason for holding back the unlocking of quests is to give the game more replayability, then maybe they could be split into two groups. Harder quests, such as the "all characters have 1 HP" quest, could be saved for the end of the game. Maybe they could award something different, like a unique figurine once enough of them have been completed.

    Finally, I think a lot of these points were originally put to me by Sir Knight in this thread where more discussion can be found: http://www.cardhunter.com/forum/threads/when-or-how-are-quests-unlocked.1640/. The more I've played the game and frequented the forum the more merit I believe there is to them, so thank you for the thought-provoking debate!

    tl;dr: I am of the opinion that it is to everyone's advantage if quests unlock earlier, preferably immediately after finishing the adventure for the first time. Agree? Disagree? No opinion?
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    My suggestion was to have them unlock when you're 3-5 levels above the adventure (meaning you can no longer gain XP from it). That would ensure that quests are available when players get stuck on kobolds/trogs.
    skip_intro likes this.
  3. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Quests used to unlock after you beat the adventure and I don't understand the reason why they've moved to the end of the campaign. I see the merit in Kalin's suggestion of basing it on level, if it can't be reverted.
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Assussanni, you're really good with threads. And I'm not just saying that because you linked me . . . cough, cough . . .

    Anyway, I can understand the urge to "give the player more content after winning." I just don't think that quests should be held hostage, and something like Kalin's idea would make for a better gaming experience. For replacement content, I started up this thread:
    That would be more effort for the designers, though. Quests are already a known quantity.
  5. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    Ah, so that you don't earn any XP with your "main" party but if you played through them with a second party (e.g. after finishing the campaign) you could still earn XP? Elegant; I like it. You could even stagger the quests unlocking for a given adventure. You get one when you're three levels above, another when you're four, etc.
    Does anyone know the reason for this? It would be interesting to know why this was done.
    Definitely. Although with the ability to create and play custom maps having been made free (yay!) I would imagine that this is less of a concern than it used to be.
  6. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    As i have said before i loved the ability to do quests already at lvl 3 with your lvl 3 guys it just seems more correct than comming back later with uber gear to stomp them. While that might be needed for some quests that should be up to the player not a option taken away.

    TLDR Gimme back my lvl 3 questing preatty please Jon

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