[Suggestion] Massive Chop tweaked to Attack/Drawback

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by GregarFalzar, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. I thought Massive Chop was removed from all items in the game until Giant Skeletal Arm pops out in rarities. It seems to be the only card i can recall that has a specific ability while it's in your hand, but its not a boost or a drawback. Also, its text is kind of ambiguous: It does not specify whether it lowers your block rolls, the enemy block rolls, or every single block roll that's going on around in the game. So my suggestion would be reword it to:

    Massive Chop
    Melee Slashing
    Choose up to 2 targets for this attack
    10 / 1
    Whenever you roll a die for Blocks, subtract 2 from it
  2. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    I'm pretty sure "you" refers to the owner of the card.
  3. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    He is suggesting making it a drawback/handicap card (half red half black). It's fine to be a black card because of the drawback. However, I don't think it is that severe to be considered. Hit The Deck had a quite severe drawback as well but is purely a block card
  4. Yes, Hit the Deck and Jarring Block both have negative components, but those components are part of the effect itself. Think of Backbiting Strike, it hits yourself, but that is part of using the attack. Same with Reaching Swing and Predictable Stab

    Massive Chop has a passive component, so, much like other Attack cards with Passive components like Raging Strike or Polearm Slash should, in my opinion, have the split version to clarify
  5. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yep, it probably should be red/black.
  6. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    I agree that the colour should be split for the two different and unrelated effects (and presumably the negative effect should say "keep"). My first post was just trying to answer the question about the card being ambiguous.

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