Feature requests/suggestions (In case there isn't already a thread for that)

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by ztrooper, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. ztrooper

    ztrooper Kobold

    1. Trade items between players, and/or auction house
    2. Since effects with duration don't stack (i.e. two flame embers), can you just extend the duration of the single card?
    3. items with limited duration (an item with great cards but no orbs, but breaks or goes away after X number of victories?)
    4. Or temporary orbs, that work in a similar manner?
  2. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    1. Much discussion about this and there's conflicting views about trading / auction house

    2. Your character can only have three attachments and new ones push off the old, so it sometime makes sense to use them separately to push off an old bad effect. I'd prefer if you could stack similar traits as a some of the time I draw two in a row.

    3. Difficult to stop this being abused, I'd imagine. If you can farm items, why not just wait until you get a new "No Power Token Great Item", reducing much of the existing items as irrelevant.

    4. Having a temporary boost of Power Tokens would mean much more deck shuffling when they disappear. Again, if you can farm the means of acquiring them, you reduce or destroy much of the balance.
  3. ztrooper

    ztrooper Kobold

    Yep. I ran afoul of the three attachments limit in more than a few games, but I have used it to push a bad effect off myself.

    trading/auction house would, in effect, divert cash away from Blue Manchu, as I thought about it, because if you can go to the auction house for a particular item, why invest in chests or other means to get spiffy gear.. kind of like the secondary software market that most game companies hate right now.

    3/4 Yeah.. I don't know how to do it, other than make them come along once in a blue moon or something, or limit how many in a deck/party. Maybe only one active one at a time.

    In any event, just thinking about ways to get folks to have the change to try out the fun cards without having to go 10-12-15 levels till they get their first gold orb. (I'm also new, only been at this a couple days, though I've definitely played my share of card type games).
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    In MP everyone is set to level 18, so you'll have 4 blue and 4 gold there.
  5. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    There isn't a thread for it, there's a whole forum for suggestions ;)

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