Tycho calls Card Hunter his "favorite game of PAX 2012"!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Jon, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    PAX was a great show, full of super-friendly cool people. It was awesome showing the game to you all and thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth.

    One of our coolest visitors was Tycho and he was kind enough to mention us in his latest blog post. In fact, he called us out as his favourite game of the show!

    Tess, brock, Zoorland and 2 others like this.
  2. Ystin

    Ystin Orc Soldier

    I feel like this is pretty major. Congrats Blue Manchu! This is quite the feat.
  3. Dhramund

    Dhramund Mushroom Warrior

    That is quite a feat. That article is why I came here to give this game a closer look. I am impressed with what I have seen of the design and I feel I will find myself running around dungeons for hours.
    Ystin likes this.
  4. Zoorland

    Zoorland Goblin Champion

    Congratulations, Jon et al!

    Between that blog post and PAX hopefully we can funnel new-found interest into an excellent launch! I haven't seen the forums this busy in a *very* long time. (I'll try and suppress my grumpy old man tendencies.)

    Now, who is this Tycho guy? :confused:
    Ystin likes this.
  5. Ystin

    Ystin Orc Soldier

    Lol, I'm not sure if you're serious or not Zoorland, but in case you are, he's one of the guys who work on the Penny-Arcade comic. They're the guys who do PAX.
  6. Zoorland

    Zoorland Goblin Champion

    Oh! Alright, thanks. I got that the "Penny Arcade Expo" was begun by the webcomic fellows, I'm simply not familiar enough with who they are. I believe the last time I read a Penny Arcade strip was about a decade ago, and I was never an avid fan.
  7. greggors

    greggors Kobold

    Have to agree. I am going to be controversial and make broad sweeping generalities here, but of all webcomics, XKCD is by far the best webcomic. Even if it does not deal primarily with video games.

    Let the firestorm ensue.
  8. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    XKCD is remarkable, what with its incisive commentary. Penny Arcade has incisive commentary, too, but it is much more limited in scope. It's like the difference is between a comic about SOMETHING, and a comic about EVERYTHING. Both have a place. If you enjoy the particular "something," then you might enjoy Penny Arcade greatly; while XKCD does not elaborate on one topic that much, and has universal appeal.

    Unless, of course, you happen to be a very sensitive person receiving the harsh end of XKCD's incisive commentary. Then you might be less happy that someone out there is telling such terrible mistruths with such a clear sociopolitical agenda and brainwashing the youth of today.

    But I'm not one of those people, so I enjoy it.
    Pixel and greggors like this.
  9. FalconGK81

    FalconGK81 Orc Soldier

    This is really great! BM team should be really proud of this. I hope we can keep the hype up into and through beta!

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