Force Blast slid 1 instead of 2

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Antistone, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. Antistone

    Antistone Mushroom Warrior

    BATTLE LOG: Player=Antistone,Scenario=Stafford Main Hall,Room=STAF (Antistone),RoomID=257594,Event=PlayAction,Action=Force Blast,Instigator=Galdhonam,Targets=Cardob
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Stafford Main Hall,Room=STAF (Antistone),RoomID=257594,Msg=Cardob took 2 damage
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Stafford Main Hall,Room=STAF (Antistone),RoomID=257594,Player=Antistone,Actor=Cardob,Event=Move,Origin=(3, 8),StartFacing=(0, 1),Destination=(3, 7),EndFacing=(0, 1)

    Used Force Blast on a Copper Golem. The card says Slide Back 2, but the Golem only moved 1 space.

    Possible cause: the first square back was adjacent to another one of my characters, and was therefore a "stop" square. Not sure if that's supposed to affect this sort of movement or not--it doesn't seem like it ought to, but I don't see anything on the cards that specifically says it wouldn't.

    It also seems like a giant golem might have some sort of ability to resist knockback, but I assume that would have to be represented by a card play, and he didn't play any cards.

    On a side note: I almost gave you the wrong room ID from the log because I didn't realize it displays everything since I logged in and defaults to showing the oldest. There's no visible scrollbar, and it took a long time to scroll to the bottom with the mousewheel. If you care about getting log information along with bug reports, I strongly advise defaulting to the bottom of the history (instead of the top) and/or creating a scrollbar with a draggable thumb.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Nope, terrain that's adjacent to a characters counts as stop - so not a bug, but then again, it can be discussed if stop should affect slides at all (problem is terrain has the same effect, and it probably should).
  3. Antistone

    Antistone Mushroom Warrior

    Characters already distinguish teams--they stop adjacent enemies but not allies. Maybe they should check the team of the moving card instead of the moving character? So if an enemy card pushes you, an ally can catch you and prevent you from being pushed as far--but if you try to push an enemy, your allies will let it happen.
  4. Dorque

    Dorque Orc Soldier

    Just had the same thing with Jump Back. I agree with Antistone's assessment that it is treating it as a normal move so touching an enemy stops you.
    TLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Burnt Pudding,Room=VISC (Dorque),RoomID=333273,Event=PlayAction,Action=Pseudopod Strike,Instigator=Sludgy,Targets=Thorfin
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Burnt Pudding,Room=VISC (Dorque),RoomID=333273,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=Jump Back,TriggeringActor=Thorfin,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=Unknown,TriggerLocation=Hand
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Burnt Pudding,Room=VISC (Dorque),RoomID=333273,Player=Dorque,Actor=Thorfin,Event=Move,Origin=(3, 5),StartFacing=(0, 1),Destination=(3, 4),EndFacing=(0, 1)
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Burnt Pudding,Room=VISC (Dorque),RoomID=333273,Group=Thorfin,Event=Discard,Card=Weak Block
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Burnt Pudding,Room=VISC (Dorque),RoomID=333273,Event=TriggerFail,Trigger=Mail,TriggeringActor=Thorfin,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=PreDamage,TriggerLocation=Hand
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Burnt Pudding,Room=VISC (Dorque),RoomID=333273,Msg=Thorfin took 6 damage
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Burnt Pudding,Room=VISC (Dorque),RoomID=333273,Msg=The active player is now Dorque

    I also agree that it is lame, and that the log needs an effing scroll bar. Oy.
  5. Haxzploid

    Haxzploid Ogre

    Yeah i did that too, made a fail bug report because i couldn't make my way to the bottom of the log. :)
  6. applesaurus

    applesaurus Mushroom Warrior

    Had a similar problem. Played on a priest sitting on a victory square. Priest had Impenetrable Nimbus in effect, which prevented damage. But priest only slid 1 instead of 2. 2nd square would have been difficult terrain (but not impassable).
  7. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    So, you're saying you think that Slide Back should have a Free Move keyword, i.e. ignore difficult terrain and zones of control?
  8. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    That would make slide back even more versatile. Is that a good thing ?
  9. Fry

    Fry Ogre

    I definitely think it should ignore Zone of Control. I could go either way on Slide Back ignoring difficult terrain.
  10. applesaurus

    applesaurus Mushroom Warrior

    Sorry, maybe I explained poorly. If the first square the target was pushed into was difficult terrain, I would have expected the target to stop there. However, the first square was normal (victory square), and then the second square was difficult. So I was expecting the target to be pushed into that (difficult terrain) square. Is that wrong?
  11. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    No, that should have worked as you described. Is it possible that an ally (of yours) was standing next to the first square, forcing the enemy to stop there?
  12. applesaurus

    applesaurus Mushroom Warrior

    I should have taken a screenshot or something; I don't think so, but it's been a few days and I've played a lot of MP since then. =]

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