Mid turn card draws

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Squee, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Squee

    Squee Kobold

    I notice that regularly during games characters that are attacked can draw armor/block/parry cards in the midst of being attacked. This strikes me as odd - if not unfair and certainly not a consistent event which makes me wonder if I'm just missing something or if there might be a bug. This happens to characters with no effects on them prior to the attack.
  2. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    I've never seen that happen, could you give an example? If it's happening regularly, could you copy the battle log and paste it here?
  3. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    I doubt they are drawing the cards. They may have already had them in their hand and are just relieving them to you now that they've triggered. There is Quick Reaction that will allow card drawing when targeted, but that's the only thing I know that the draw preempts the attack without having an attachment.
  4. This can only happen if you are attacked having Quick Reactions, you can suddenly draw a Block or Armor. I know Armors work but i´m not sure about blocks. Other cards like Martyr´s Blessing are far too late for blocks and armors to trigger, and not sure if Inspiring Armor can also do this

    On the other hand, it might seem like your opponent is drawing more armor because it didn´t innitially activate. Maybe you attacked them from behind or with the wrong attack (Proyectile doesn´t procs parry, melee doesn´t procs Shimmering Aura) and it gave the illusion that they suddenly appeared.

    Otherwise, you might just be misunderstanding the mechanics of the game: Blocks and Armor aren´t attached, they trigger straight from the hand
  5. Squee

    Squee Kobold

    I'd be happy to attach the battle log - where can I find it though?

    I've seen this happen to my characters who do not have the quick reflexes card but I understand where you are going with that. I don't recall ever seeing this happen during the campaign but I see it regularly during MP matches. I have had blocks, parries and assorted armors from my desk appear to be drawn prior to the actual block occurring meaning I may get attacked and have no armor, parry or block cards in my hand currently but then suddenly have a card I didn't have before which allows me to block the incoming attack.
  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Maybe if you aoe a group of minions and the first one checked has MB, but that's all I can think of.

    Hit F1, type "clip", open a text editor and paste. Or if you only want to copy part of the log, hit F1 twice, and select what you want to copy, copy, etc.

    Okay, that is really weird. Are you sure it's your armor and not your opponent's? There are several attacks that also damage the attacker.
  7. Weezel

    Weezel Mushroom Warrior

    If i understand correctly the cards in hand trigger in order from newest to oldest (left to right) so a card drawn during an attack shouldn't trigger. Because the card triggering to cause the draw would be after the new card in the row.

    It could be different for minion groups in SP where there are multiple targets using the same batch of cards but to be honest i mostly pay attention in MP and play SP on autopilot :)
  8. attog

    attog Mushroom Warrior

    I know exactly what he is talking about as I have seen it several times myself, but only in single player. I haven't complained about it because it is always in my favor. I'll have a guy with an attack, no block in his hand, he is attacked by the NPC, and BAM - a parry just magically appeared in my guys hand and he used it and blocked the attack! Doesn't happen often though.
  9. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Never seen this once in my upty hours of play so its either a new bug or not a real thing.
  10. attog

    attog Mushroom Warrior

    hundreds of hours of playing maybe seen it happen 3 or 4 times? No idea if it is reproduceable or what caused it to occur, and every time it happened I was happy that it happened. Maybe it isn't even happening like I think it is happening, maybe the card was really in my hand and some Flash or browser glitch just caused it to not show up until it triggered? Who knows.
  11. Squee

    Squee Kobold

    Or, you just haven't been paying attention when it happened.

    It happens.
  12. PIZZA

    PIZZA Orc Soldier

    Hey Squee.

    You just said in the Multiplayer chat that these happened again in the game we played, I am super curious to see your results.
  13. Dynaform

    Dynaform Kobold

    It definitely happens in mp. I notice it with parry all the time. I have fraps footage of it and will upload after work
  14. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    This thread suffers from a lot of vagueness. The very fact that people mention the word "Parry" raises alarm bells, because you all should know that this little bit of text is written on the card:
    Therefore, when you notice it all the time:
    . . . and say the word "Parry," well then.

    We need to pin down whether something else is happening. This requires actually noticing the event, noticing what card was played, noticing what cards responded or were in the enemy hand (Quick Reactions), and basically getting information we can use.
    Tasmanian Devil and PIZZA like this.
  15. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    That's a nice little assumption but no you are incorrect.
  16. Dynaform

    Dynaform Kobold

    Sorry for being vague. It also occurs with weak parry and I assume you know that card description. I will sort through quite a bit of footage but I will try to find it. I give my word a weak parry has magically appeared to stop an attack when it was not in my hand
  17. DragnHntr

    DragnHntr Orc Soldier

    When I draw at the beginning of a turn and glance at my new hand, I mentally filter out blocks and parries because they are not actively useful. When the enemies turn rolls around and they fire off an attack at one of my characters and a block pops up, I go "Oh, who had a block?" and glance down at my cards again, but there is no block... because it triggered and is now in the middle of the screen rolling. If it fails it goes back into my hand where of course it was all along.
  18. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Interesting you should mention this. I've realized that I think of Parry as a more "active" card, telling me what other cards to play. Mostly movement. Parry means "move this character next to melee enemies and have a plan to exploit their wasted turn." Likewise, Quick Reactions means "face this character towards spellcasting enemies and make him/her the most visible target while moving."

    But this is getting off-topic.
    Zoorland likes this.
  19. DragnHntr

    DragnHntr Orc Soldier

    I just get in the habit of always facing enemies when I can. I don't tend to move into a position on the assumption that my parry/block is going to proc because then it usually won't. :p
  20. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    If you see this, all you need to do is note the battle room name and log it in the bugs forum. We can check it out to see what's going on.

    A screenshot wouldn't hurt too.

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