Beta 2.34 (15 July, 2013)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jon, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    The biggest new feature in this build is the in-game reporting system. You can click on players' names in battle or in the lobby to report them. You have a limited number of reports per day. The reports are processed by our super-secret algorithm (and manual review) and enough of them can result in a warning or a ban.

    There have also been changes to the leaderboard to try to get it functional again with the much larger number of players*. An unfortunate side-effect is that all the daily and weekly win counts are getting wiped.

    * Although it seems to still have problems :(

    There's a new lobby location where you can see a list of recent matches and who the winner and loser was.

    On closer consideration, we decided not to require club membership to create custom games. So, if you haven't tried out this feature yet, give it a go!

    We changed our lighting system to fix a big slow down that was introduced with a new version of the Flash player... If you turned off lighting to fix this, you should now be able to turn it on again.

    Finally, the shop stocking algorithm has been given a big overhaul. It should now be much better at stocking even numbers of items by type and not stocking multiples of the same item.

    Let me know what you think!

    Full change-list follows:

    • Added the reporting system. Click on user names in lobby or in battle to report them.
    • Warning added for reported users.
    • Players blocked by abuse reports aren't allowed to play rankged games, chat in lobby or as spectators
    Custom Games
    • You now no longer need club membership to play create custom games!
    • Leaderboard should work again. Added buttons to toggle between all-time rating, daily and weekly. Page through results.
    • Added match results listing.
    • Reverse order of refuse/accept buttons on invitation response dialog.
    • You can't accept casual game invitations or join casual games if you don't have an MP party yet.
    • Added chat log line on battle completion, giving user popup access post battle.
    • Switched lighting to build-in shader since pixel bender performance got broken in Flash 11.8.
    • Added news page
    • Change message when the game fails to start to specify that it needs 11.5 or newer Flash Player rather than just that it needs Flash Player.
    • Shops try to stock items proportionally to each slot's distribution across character archetypes.
    • Rare store stocks 30 items instead of 20.
    • Fixed incorrect number of astral guardians described in scenario text.
    • Fixed Karen's text in Astral Shrine to fix scroll bar problem.
    • Fixed some story text typos
    • Added a bunch of new MP boards to casual games.
    • Updated Bridge board.
    • Added a title to the pizza menu.
    • Show warning overlays before bringing up pizza or gold purchase when insufficient funds.
    Board Editor
    • changed "markers" to "dead figure markers" in editor
    Terms of Service
    • New ToS includes reporting/banning info.
    • Fixed log link on Wild Spark card
    • Fixed range checking for CancelWhenPlayedComponent (fixes Defensiveness range checking).
    • Fixed play text for Unstable bolt card
    • Arcane Aura makes it clear that it only affects cards that already do damage.
    • Fixed unholy energy damaging for every card type instead of only non-attack cards.
    • Add some patterns to restricted words and names
    • Make account website force connections to https when they connect via http
    Battle UI
    • Restored dead portrait.
    Card Art
    • Made force bolt, force blast and force cone have a purple (arcane) effect in the card illustrations.
    • Fixed MP dwarf priest audio.
    • Item intro levels are now at the maximum intro level of each card, not thresholded at the item level itself.
    • Bumped down intro levels of some level 18 Cards.
    • fixed typos on Cockroaches and kobolds module covers
    • AI now has special evaluation functions for square attachment affecting cards (fixes Geomancers never playing Blooming Ground or Everlasting Ground).
    • Added card values for AA and AAA cards fixes (fixes AI evaluation of which cards to discard).
    • Added new Arena board art, redecorated all arena boards.
    • Added new decals for Crypt boards, tweaked Sluice board
    • Remove battle load hints.
    • Remove some tutorial prompt indexing around the end of the tutorial (makes it a bit more robust to failed prompt showing).
    • Adventure level caps are only varied on low-level quests (not other quests).
    Internal stuff
    • Player items are deleted when player is.
    Zalminen and Platouf like this.
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Hydra

    Item intro levels are now at the maximum intro level of each card, not thresholded at the item level itself.

    I think this means we will be able to receive items at lower level campaign levels than before. I'm getting level 18 cards out of campaign now, where as before they had to come from MP or purchased chests.
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

  4. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    I guess the rare shop 30 items doesn't kick in until next week reset?
  5. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Hey, was there some build recently where you removed Move cards from Morvin in the second battle of Against the Cockroaches? I noticed just now that he doesn't have any. I presume this was a measure to keep him from leaving the Victory Square, but unfortunately it doesn't work: he still has at least one copy of Demon Hide, so he'll take a single step off the tile . . . and then stay off it until his deck cycles.
  6. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok


    I was wondering why I was being forced to read and agree to that again.
  7. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    I'm not sure I understand precisely what this change does. I just noticed that my lvl cap for questing is now equal to the module level cap (which is usually module lvl +2) instead of the module level as before. Which gives me a little breathing room for some mind-numbly hard one like "Party have 1 HP".

    (For example a lvl 8 module have a lvl cap of 10, character until lvl 10 can gain experience playing there and any character >10 will be scaled down to 10. Previously questing will scale character down to precisely 8, now it is 10 like normal campaign)
  8. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yeah, when it next restocks you should see new items.
  9. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    OK, noted, thanks.
  10. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yeah, so quests shouldn't have any level restrictions other than those normally applied to the adventure - except for the low-level quest, which obviously does restrict things.
  11. Pazuzu

    Pazuzu Mushroom Warrior

    Sorry for the answer but I'm not a native English speaker, what do you mean by "throwing a match" in the report form? Is it when you surrender at the beginning?
    Because I've just reported one guy for "stalling" because he's been afk since the second turn, but I wasn't sure it was the right report.
  12. Giblit

    Giblit Kobold

    One other change which was not mentioned was on Welk's Helm. One of the cards given from this item was changed from, I think it was called, "All out Attack" to "Quick Reactions". All out attack was an attack card with 1 range which dealt 4 damage but the kicker was it would double the damage of your next attack. Suffice to say I will no longer use this helm :p

    Thanks for all your work.
  13. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    "Throwing a match" is one form of match fixing, or deliberately deciding who wins and who loses a match (instead of playing it legitimately). Throwing a match is simple: you give up and grant your opponent an easy win.

    This may not seem like any sort of abuse, because, of course, people "surrender" all the time. Surrendering at the beginning MIGHT not be any sort of problem. It nonetheless COULD be abused: imagine that someone creates a few fake accounts, manages to get into matches with a friend, throws the matches, and gives that friend a bunch of free loot (and an artificially-inflated ranking).
  14. Pazuzu

    Pazuzu Mushroom Warrior

    Ok, thanks.
  15. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    Wouldn't someone with a score of 0 end up playing against Gary all the time?
  16. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I think this was part of the change of trying to get Quick Reactions more available. It was too rarely found before.
  17. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Waah T.T I don't want quick reactions, I want my All out attack
  18. Essence

    Essence Orc Soldier

    ^^ This.

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