[Suggestion] more logical order of operations

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Weezel, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. Weezel

    Weezel Mushroom Warrior

    I noticed today that when a character has a nimbus on them that makes them immune to damage, the order of operations means the will attempt to block attacks, then soak damage with armour cards, and only after all that will the nimbus prevent the damage.

    It would seem more logical for the card that prevents all damage to trigger first, at least to me.
  2. Weezel

    Weezel Mushroom Warrior

    Just wanted to add a related sequence I noticed today - there are a number of cards that will trigger (or roll for chance to trigger) when a character has been killed by damage, such as the superstition trait. It's only a minor thing but it would make the game flow a little better if cards didn't activate after death.
  3. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    I will have to disagree, the card clearly says: Character cannot take damage. It does not say that he cannot be attacked. For example, a burning spell will have to go through block phase to determine whether it hit and than apply the burn debuff so he can be damaged next turn. Or you can even burn him with 3 different burn card in an attempt to push Impenetrable Nimbus buff away, and then pound him.

    About armour, some armour dont have Keep, so you can attempt to force him to discard that armour even if he is invulnerable.

    I'm not sure what's the problem with superstition activating after death ?
  4. DragnHntr

    DragnHntr Orc Soldier

    If the character with superstition attached dies, it procs superstition and forces them to discard all their cards... as they die. It doesn't hurt anything obviously it just seems silly. I have to admit I laughed the first time this happened, it's just pointless.
  5. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Now I wonder what happened if that character can save himself by discarding Toughened Hide Strips. My guess is no since he already died
  6. Weezel

    Weezel Mushroom Warrior

    The way you describe it programmer does make sense, i suppose i was just thinking about it differently.

    Regarding superstition, it's not so much an issue having it activate on the character's death, i was just mentioning that tidying up those redundant card activations would make the gameplay a little smoother.
  7. I see a superstition on your own death as the Cardhuntria equivalent of tweeting on your deathbed

    On the topic, Nimbus doesn't means you can't be messed with in other ways. You can still drink Bad Medicine, or be bashed around by able warriors
  8. Forlorn

    Forlorn Orc Soldier

    Nimbus is the strongest priest card in the game. Please don't make it better.
  9. Gerry Quinn

    Gerry Quinn Goblin Champion

    Yeah, that was my first thought - you don't want to look for reasons to make a card like this stronger.
  10. Weezel

    Weezel Mushroom Warrior

    I didn't mean to single that card out specifically, just as an example of redundant card activation.
  11. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    However, the issue is more complicated than that. People have sometimes posted to ask things like "I've got two Armor cards, and one of them would completely negate enemy damage; why not START with rolling that one? It's a waste of time to do otherwise." But the complexity is hinted here:
    Hitting your enemy's Armor cards matters. You want to know whether Rusty Armor will be discarded and thus out of your way next turn (when the Impenetrable Nimbus goes away and you can pummel the enemy). Your enemy wants Spiked Mail to trigger and injure you, despite the Nimbus. And of course the order will matter for which effect occurs when.

    Thus the current system of going from one end of the cards to the other and then checking if there's leftover damage. It's more predictable.
  12. Weezel

    Weezel Mushroom Warrior

    All fair points about the nimbus in particular.

    But there are still cards that activate redundantly, like a supersticious character being killed and having the trait activate on their own death. Not saying it's detrimental to gameplay for this to happen, just that it would make the game run a little more smoothly without.
  13. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Yes, these are a different issue, and we've talked about similar situations before. Like with Mindless Battlerage:


    Mindless Battlerage might make more sense when triggering on one's own death as a sort of "Death Throes" thing. However, amusingly, it causes another sort of visual issue: models getting stuck on the board. And we discussed Festering Guts there a bit, too.

    So if you want to make a feedback/bug thread about Superstitious acting funny, go for it. I can't immediately find another one.
  14. Weezel

    Weezel Mushroom Warrior

    Thanks for the links Sir Knight!

    I wasn't suggesting any kind of bug issue (at least not that i've seen), just that not having the extra card activation graphics coming up when the card isn't actually doing anything would make the gameplay a little smoother.

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