Wizards Underwhelming in Multi-player

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Time4Pizza, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I judge opponents on how many custom figures they have, since you can't get more than one without paying real money.
    Tasmanian Devil likes this.
  2. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    this isnt true, but you should never judge the skill of a player based on how much money they have thrown into a game.
    skip_intro likes this.
  3. On the warrior´s defense, having only the capacity to run in and stab means you are really short on options and must gauge every movement very well (Rageblood Dagger be damned). A lot of a good warrior´s gameplay might look like it is saving up Obliterating-Quick Run-AOA, but even then you can get Parried, and Parry might be hands down the best block in the game and every class has acces to it (Voltstaff on my wizard has foiled many a kill). If you don´t want to risk that because you know it´s easy to counter, you have to force perilous situations, like for instance, having two people at the range of your Stabs simultaneously, and that is not easy against aware opponents without, you got it, a Wizard, and yet, i´ve found ways to make it possible and it just takes an imaginative builds. I personally use an utility MP Elf Warrior: She has only 12 attacks in her whole deck, most of which are Bashes, and a smashing total of 5 Wimpy, her job is to zone control and tank a lot of damage while being an annoyance to mages and other warriors

    Wizards do have a high entry cap because their damaging equipment is boring, since you are most likely better off with a warrior, and utility cards are rare. However, once you start to get your hands with some acid, ice and tele (Or all simultaneously) you start to untap the true power of a wizard, and those don´t really take that much time to get. When people see all those Frost Jolts and Freezes and Fireballs they get despondent because, well, they are really good cards, but they are hardly your only options. That goes the other way around; if you can´t use your utility correctly, you are better off running sparks.

    Skill-caps are not dependent of classes, but rather, of builds

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