The point of Pizza in the beta

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Iviv, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Iviv

    Iviv Kobold

    Hi! I'm a new player to the game, so some of these points may be completely wrong based on what I've seen, but is there any point in buying pizza while in the beta? I've enjoyed what I've played of the game so far and would like ot help support the devs by throwing some money their way, most likely in the form of becoming a card hunter club member just to get the extra loot tile after all the battles. However, if I buy that now and the beta ends in 2 weeks, everything gets wiped, except for the amount of pizza I had left in my account, and the number of days remaining on the card club membership. Equally, buying things like chests for pizza seems pointless since whatever you find will also poof when the beta ends?

    Also, on a side note, did you have to make it so awkward to get enough pizza for the 3 month membership? With that costing 850 pizza, your options are either the 1800 slices for $50 or getting 690+330 for $30 The extremely careful planning of having 690 + 150 pizza = 840 pizza, leaving you 10 short from getting the 3 months is pretty annoying and doesn't fill me full of 'well, now I want to give these guys my money for making it so easy for me to get this upgrade'.

    Either way, thanks for the fun game :)
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    All pizza you buy in beta will be refunded with the same amount of pizza when the game goes live (accounts will all be wiped, clun membership reverts to pizza et c). If you spend 20 bucks you get a unique beta character, and if you spend 50 - you get two of them.


    (also, ingame pizza prices might very well change before game goes live - don't think they want to have people need to buy odd numbers of pizza for the subs - recall Jon said something about that)

    Btw, if you haven't spent money on the premium adventures and like the sp content, those are very good.
  3. Iviv

    Iviv Kobold

    Wow, quick reply!
    So, if I spend however many pizza on getting the 3 month upgrade, when the beta ends I will get all that pizza back? If so that's pretty cool. Means you can experiment with all the cool stuff in the beta knowing that you'll get it all back again after.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yeah, well - I have been know to stalk these forums...*cough*

    And go nuts and check out what you to spend on later, excellent shopping preview.
  5. Tobold

    Tobold Goblin Champion

    I'm planning on buying epic chests when they announce the reset, so I can check those out without risk and get the pizza back.
  6. Iviv

    Iviv Kobold

    And out of interest, what about the free pizza given away through the tutorial? I assume that won't be given away again, but instead you will have to play through the tutorial again to get that pizza once more?
  7. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yup, that's reset as well - tutorial will have to played through again, and any pizza or unlocks that come with it will happen as it did last time (apart from any changes in future builds ofc).

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