Cockroach armor

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by jcalton, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. jcalton

    jcalton Kobold

    Do the cockroaches Resistant Hide display a 3+ on the die, but they don't roll?
    This is either a bug, or the art needs to be changed. Apparently it's not even a 1+ because if they don't roll, adding or subtracting to the number wouldn't matter.
    But at least change it to 0+ even if they aren't going to roll...
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    You sure you didn't attack them with something the hide was resistant to? Then it won't roll you know. It's 3+ roll against any other damage type not listed on the card.
  3. jcalton

    jcalton Kobold

    Nope, that's it.
  4. jcalton

    jcalton Kobold

    So. What this thread needs to be is "Please reword Resistant Hide".

    How much damage does Resistant Hide protect against? 2, right?
    It only protects against 2 if you roll a 3+. In other words, whether the protection is 2 or 200, you have to roll the die.

    But in the case of "prevents all damage" this card could be read as "If you roll a 3+ against fire, etc. this armor does not prevent 2 damage--it always prevents all of it"

    Probably the simplest way to fix this would be with a tiny change in punctuation and position. Now the resistance is a function of the card, not the armor roll:
    Resistant Hide.jpg
  5. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    I think you are a little confused. It always protects against all acid, poison, electricity or fire damage. On a 3+ it protects 2 damage from any other source.

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