[Suggestions] JayBrand's Accumulated Beta Feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by JayBrand, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. JayBrand

    JayBrand Kobold

    [Disclaimer: Some of these have most likely been mentioned before by others]

    1. Count 'Victory Squares' after DoT/elemental damage. It should be count at the start of each round, but after the damage from 'Elemental Squares' etc has been handed out. That way you can't get the gold star if you would die from lava damage right afterwards.

    2. Change forced attack on allies if no enemies are within range.
    3. Lower damage or AoE on the 'Festering ---' Zombie skill.The on-death-zombie-skill that deals an AoE damage to everyone within 2 squares should be tuned down a notch. Either down from 18 dmg to 10 dmg or lower are of effect to adjacent characters.
    At the point in the game where you encounter the skill you characters are easily wiped out by this if you don't bring enough DoTs or long ranged attacks.

    4. Option to cancel attack cards containing a move cards.

    5. Option to view last played enemy card.
    Easy access to previously played cards like clicking on an enemy's card-graveyard or something else to view the last played card etc would be very nice.

    6. Look into the DoT vs Dodge synergy.If I cast 'Flaming Spit' on an enemy that "blocks" with a dodge card and thus jumping out of range of my cast they evade the damage of the spell, but the DoT still sticks to them and will deal damage hence forth. Doesn't make sense how they can dodge something that evidently hit them since it is burning them the next round.

    7. Nerf 'Rough Hide's damage negation.The armor negates all fire, acid, poison + one more, which is insanely powerful for such a "crappy" card since it's block roll is only 3 as well. This side effect of the card enabled me to win whole maps versus elemental enemies unscathed with just my wizard. There should be a roll for the armor to stop such damage or a limit to the amount of damage it can negate. Don't think thick skin could stop lava...and how can burning 'Fire Sprites' take fire damage when my rough hide clad mage can't?

    8. Undead could take damage from heal spells. 'Undead Effect' Negative Trait Card.The undead could have a trait card that says that they will take damage instead of being healed from healing spells/effects. This card could also serve as a Negative Trait Card that could accompany player items and last a couple of rounds.

    9. Enable targeting by clicking on portraits.Understand this could be troublesome with group-enemies, but at least for ally selection this would be a nice feature so I don't accidently heal enemies if i'm not careful.

    10. Nerf 'Crude Plates' armor.
    11. Have the loading-tip-popups show at other times.Either give access to the tips somewhere or have then show when on the main map, equipment screen or quest-intro screen. My game loads so fast that I never have time to read them during map loading.

    12. Individual damage per elemental square.

    13. Acid-square armor destruction should take effect after card draw.There is little point in getting a successful acid pool out against a enemy that is nigh impossible to beat due to great armor, when the pool only eats away armor at the end of the round. The enemy which often has many of these armor cards will then just start the next round with a fresh armor. The acid pool loses much of it's tactical power due to this.

    14. Don't make unfinished dungeons & enemies playable before they are done

    That's all for now...I'll be back with and update when my list grows again or if anyone here has any feedback/info that makes some of these points unnecessary or wrong.

    GL HF!

    - JayBrand
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    2) is changed with this latest build. Enjoy.
    5) would be visible in the log, although can require some scrolling. Could use a quick link to "latest played" in the window or something.
    14) Was fully unintentional, so not sure why you bother bringing that up? It's not like they'll keep adding bugs or unfinished content willingly? (it's been removed already)

    Some other good points in there (and some I don't agree with), but these I felt I had to adress.
  3. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    I agree with this. Though, it's probably the other way around to avoid "dragging the game out", as some would say.
  4. JayBrand

    JayBrand Kobold

    Thanks for the update, and don't know how I could forget about the log. My bad :)
    And nr 14 was more of an observation/query if this was normal or a mistake. Not meant as critique.
  5. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    3) I actually quite like the damage and area of the card since it means you can't afford to kill the zombie and really have to run away from it while it shambles after you. However, I think duration 3 is too much and would suggest lowering it to 2 (maybe even 1).
    4) I think the same issues that mean Move cards can't be cancelled also apply to Move and Attack cards. This is a consequence of how the game deals with reactions to movement so at the moment it cannot be easily done. I would guess it's something that will be looked at though.
    6) I agree.
    7) I agree. Resistant Hide is the only player-ownable armour that I've come across that automatically negates all damage of a certain type. And it provides armour! I would change this effect to a die roll for triggering.
    8) Nice idea, particularly the bit about it also being a possible drawback card for PCs to have.
    10) Crude plates provide a lot of armour (they are plates) but don't stop damage from the back (they are crude). I personally don't have an issue with this.
    12) This is how it used to work, but it was decided that this meant that 2x2 monsters were taking too much damage and therefore too easy to kill.
    13) Not necessarily sure I agree with this, I would need to think more about it.

    Very nicely presented feedback and I definitely think there are some interesting suggestions too! :)
    JayBrand likes this.
  6. JayBrand

    JayBrand Kobold

    Thank you for your insight and enlightenment! Always appreciated by a fledgling CardHunter :)

    Edit: Edited the first post to include all of you informative people's information and insight.
  7. Tobold

    Tobold Goblin Champion

    3) If you have a card to remove Resistant Hide from the zombies, you can use the Festering Guts to quickly win a map. You just need to have lots of enemies close to the exploding zombie, and at least one character out of the 2-square explosion range. You can even produce chain reactions with the first zombie killing the second, who then kills other enemies.
  8. funny

    funny Mushroom Warrior

    Haha, yes, that was one of my favorite moments, a bit like lemmings mass suicide :D

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