[FEEDBACK]Legendary treasure is terrible

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by kogi, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    I am not a very good player. So after I do 5 hours of MP to get my epic chest, I expect an epic and not a lvl 1 legendary treasure.

    Please please please remove legendary and epic treasures.

    It's a real disincentive to opening chests

    Zalminen and Blindsight like this.
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Ouch. I got a level 17 legendary treasure today, but it was from the second bonus chest (I never go past that in MP).
  3. azelea

    azelea Mushroom Warrior

    I have to say this is true. If treasures had a higher gold value, at least they would be better at selling stuff. Now it's like a punch in the face.
  4. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    A punch in the face would be preferable, it feels like a punch to the nuts
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Treasure in general should probably be worth more - and also, should probably not be available as guaranteed drops from chests in mp. Although membership bonus should still allowed to be treasure, as well as any random mp loot.
  6. Cymbaline

    Cymbaline Mushroom Warrior

    Agreed. I was totally pumped when I got my first epic. I was pissed when I realized it was a treasure.
  7. RattyZ

    RattyZ Mushroom Warrior

    What if Treasure could be traded for an item of the same rarity in addition to being sold? Maybe on some ratio? (1:1 Legendary, 2:1 Epic, 4:1 Rare)

    That way, the Treasure isn't completely worthless, if there are choices in the Rarity shop that are worth your time you get a discount should you have the correct ratio.

    ShopCosts vs Ratio Trade
    Legendary - 2500 vs 50 gold (1x50)
    Epic - 500 vs 40 gold (2 x 20)
    Rare - 100 vs 40 gold(4 x 10)

    I don't really care about the numbers, what about the idea? Anyone think that's worth anyone's time?
  8. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    While I'm not going to comment on your sentiment (because it's totally fine), please try to be a bit less crass and hyperbolic about it.
  9. azelea

    azelea Mushroom Warrior

    Let's be honest here.

    I feel unheard as a beta tester and that has led to being crass and hyperbolic.
    The fact that the crassness and hyperbole was the sole reason you responded has also shown that this strategy works. (My previous more polite messages did not receive a response)

    I'm not just in the beta test to enjoy the game before it's out. I'm also here to do what I can to help to make the game better. And right now it seems I can't do that. It seems that the only contribution I'm making is statistics of how I play the game. Because I don't feel heard. Maybe you are using forum posts like this to reconsider how the game works. Maybe not. But saying "your sentiment is fine" comes of as dismissive, even if it wasn't intended.

    Now, I understand the immense undertaking creating a game is only to a small extent.
    It's my job to create performances and the performers frequently tell me when they think something could be improved in such and so way. And it almost always feels inconsequential to the many important things on my mind that still need to get done. And creating a performance has only a tiny of the complexity compared to creating a game. On top of that, you don't deal with groups of 10 or 20 people, but far larger.
    So I get that it can be hard to deal with the onslaught of communication coming your way.

    But we should be on the same side. If you invest a little time and let us know something like "We're happy with how the market system is currently working" or "We're glad that the system is working as designed: That you can have very 'jackpot' like lucky moments."

    Then when someone asks the question again, frequent forum goers will spread the small education you've sent our way.

    Because right now, not responding, or responses like that leave us in the dark.

    I considered not giving feedback on the forum anymore, but instead decided to write this post. Because I want to help. How can I help?
  10. penda

    penda Mushroom Warrior

    I've been thinking about this for a bit now. For me, it has come down to: Is there ever a case where I would prefer a legendary treasure over a legendary item? It seemed very clear to me the answer is never.

    But now? I wouldn't be as quick to answer. I find myself looking at a lot of legendary items I don't plan to ever use. IF the shops stocked items that were suited for me, I would prefer the treasure legendaries! When it comes down to any game with a random drop table, I will always take a token system where I can gradually gain the needed currency (even if the average time would take more) to get a targeted specific item instead of leaving it to randomness.

    The problem with this thought process? The items available to sell/trade in are as also random :(.
  11. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    I like this idea. I wonder if it could be easily abused, though?

    Also, I agree with this:
    I really don't mean to sound like a jerk as if I don't understand the staff are very busy and all, but I feel like we don't get enough responses to suggestions. I would love to see more word from staff even if it's something simple like azelea has posted.
  12. Cymbaline

    Cymbaline Mushroom Warrior

    I like the idea too. I think they'd almost be better off treated like tokens. Trade three epic treasures and get an epic item present in the shop. If you trade epic treasures of levels 5, 8, and 9, you get a treasure of level 5 or lower. Six gets you a legendary. Etc.

    I for one don't even understand which post is crass, and as for hyperbole... this is the internet, right? Isn't that what we do here?
  13. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    In the unedited post I was more descriptive of my dislike for treasure.

    Methinks that is too complicated. Just the shops paying a fair price for treasure would do the trick. But again that adds to other issues like Pay 2 win
  14. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    I dunno, is there a big difference between a legendary you don't use vs a treasure you can't use? Lot of legendaries out there.
  15. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    How much gold would you want to make a Legendary treasure feel worthwhile?
  16. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    25% to 50% of what I would need to buy an equivilent lvl item in the shop
  17. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    But at that rate, considering the drop chance of current legendaries there would be a massive gold inflation at the epic level chest. This may put too much emphasis on getting that chest and burning hours upon hours and players may consider this a "grind" or obtain it constantly and have nothing to buy with their mountains of gold.
  18. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    This sounds good. (50% *wink* *wink*) :cool:

    I do see Surgeon's point, though. So, how about like 20% or something?
  19. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    To be completely honest, I would rather see legendary treasures removed and the gold worth of legendaries be nothing. You don't get the sword of a thousand truths just to sell to a petty vendor for 100g. You keep that and put it on a mantle.
    skip_intro likes this.
  20. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    OK, I get that, but the current 0.04% is way too low.

    How about a like for like trade in the rare shop? :D Then we can treat the epic/legendary treasure as. "Woohoo, Now I can get that legendary/epic in the rare shop when it turns up"

    Yes, I also will be happy with the removal of epic/legendary treasures

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