Duck vs Unstoppable Chop

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Phaselock, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Finally got my hands on Unstoppable Chop ! Heehee... :p

    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=962,Msg=The active player is now phaselock
    BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=962,Event=PlayAction,Action=Unstoppable Chop,Instigator=DW_test1,Targets=Zira
    BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=962,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=Duck,TriggeringActor=Zira,AffectedActors=Zira,TriggerType=Action,TriggerLocation=Hand
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=962,Msg=Zira, health = 7 (pi:1, gi:0, ai:0) blocks Unstoppable Chop
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=962,Msg=Unstoppable Chop was cancelled.
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=962,Group=War Monkeys,Event=Discard,Card=Duck
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=962,Msg=The active player is now Gary
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=962,Msg=Gary passed.

    Zira tries to duck under the attack -
    and succeeds, swiping the avoided attack!
    Unstoppable Chop was cancelled.
    War Monkeys discarded Duck.

    summary: UC overrode Duck, wai ?
  2. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I personally think it should but its clearly not obvious what will happen in that situation.
  3. Platouf

    Platouf Mushroom Warrior


    This bug is always here.

    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Platouf vs Mom,RoomID=107974,Msg=The active player is now Mom
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Mom,Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Platouf vs Mom,RoomID=107974,Event=PlayAction,Action=Unstoppable Chop,Instigator=Vanyaris,Targets=Barazok
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Mom,Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Platouf vs Mom,RoomID=107974,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=Duck,TriggeringActor=Barazok,AffectedActors=Barazok,TriggerType=Action,TriggerLocation=Hand
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Platouf vs Mom,RoomID=107974,Msg=Barazok, health = 25 (pi:1, gi:1, ai:0)
    Attached cards: Hover (3) blocks Unstoppable Chop
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Platouf vs Mom,RoomID=107974,Msg=Unstoppable Chop was cancelled.
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Platouf vs Mom,RoomID=107974,Group=Barazok,Event=Discard,Card=Duck
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=Platouf vs Mom,RoomID=107974,Msg=The active player is now Platouf

  4. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    This is likely just due to the order of events on a stack. It looks as though:
    1. UC is used
    2. Duck triggers
    3. Duck blocks
    4. Duck resolves (moving card to defenders hand)
    5. UC resolves (moving card to attackers hand)
    This is likely expected behavior. Certainly conflicting info for the player though if they don't know how things work behind the scenes.
  5. Haxzploid

    Haxzploid Ogre

    Hi-jacking thread!

    I've been wondering about somethingfor a while, what if i play an AoE spell, targetting two groups that both have duck. Is it possible for them to both "duck" and receive the card? based on this only the last group using duck would receive it yeah?
  6. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    AoE spell... I believe the first one that ducks it cancels it for the second -- ie. it never gets to the second because the card no longer belongs to the caster.

    Now I believe that is only true for the damage. Something like acid spray would still leave the terrain. Some of this is speculation because I hate playing against duck so didn't go back to test it! :)
  7. Haxzploid

    Haxzploid Ogre

    The situation that made me think of this was when i cast "the one that changes position of all enemies" One group "ducked" and received the card in their hand, other groups failed their duck roll and scattered all over. Next turn they sent me flying, and my priest ended up solo vs 4 mobs :(

    Anyway, i have not seen what will happen if two groups succeed their "duck" rolls. Mmmm duck rolls ima order chinese right now!
  8. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    I think it gets more complicated with multiple mobs in the same group using multiple ducks too! How do you know which one got the spell? :p I'd be interested to know how it all works and it would be nice to have it make sense to us, but conflicting rules and confusing timing isn't something that is easy to explain to players! :)
  9. Mutak

    Mutak Goblin Champion

    I just ran into this too and it was incredibly disappointing not to be able to use Unstoppable Chop against Mom. Clearly the conflict was between keep and take, and i think take should be getting precedence. After all, lots of armor cards have keep on them too, but that doesn't stop the various armor discards from doing away with them.
  10. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    Um, but the armor isn't triggering the ability which has keep on them when spells are making you discard. It's like shredding strike discarding armor that invokes it's keep ability. I think it should likely be the attacker to win situations like this since they are the aggressor and you generally want to encourage aggression in games like this so as to not support heavy turtle tactics.
  11. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I agree that it's not clear what the priority should be in this situation.

    At the moment, the Unstoppable Chop rules are checked first, so the Duck over-rules them.

    I think we should find a way of re-writing the two cards to make it clear which will be enforced first, but I'm not sure of the best way to do that.
  12. Mutak

    Mutak Goblin Champion

    Maybe this is a miscommunication, but it seems to me that the chop is overruling the duck. I did not get to use unstoppable chop - Mom's guy kept it.
  13. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    Interesting, that doesn't appear to be what is being experienced by players. Players are saying that Duck is not capturing the unstoppable chop. This makes sense if you are using a stack to resolve the cards, but not otherwise.

    As far as re-wording, We'll need to first figure out what is intended/wanted out of this interaction! :)
  14. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I may have mixed up which code path comes first.

    The question is: which card should take priority here?
  15. penda

    penda Mushroom Warrior

    Since the defensive player has no game choice, I'm in favor of the defensive card taking priority. I think a FIFO rule of thumb is much better suited for the game than a stack.
  16. Mutak

    Mutak Goblin Champion

    Defene for sure - make them give at least a little thought before playing the card.
  17. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    I would vote for the attacker to win in these sorts of conflicts. It (slightly) promotes more aggressive moves instead over slower defensive games. This is a general PvP principal/guideline with a lot of history behind it. That doesn't mean it is decisively the correct choice for this game, but I feel it would be.
    Zalminen likes this.
  18. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    In my opinion, both effects should be honoured, and thus both players should get the card. I realise that this wouldn't work well if we were playing the game using a physical set of cards - but Duck already has problems with that when multiple characters duck an AoE attack.

    Correctly me if I'm wrong about this, but as I understand it, when an attack is swiped with Duck the original owner of the attack still puts the card into their discard pile and the blocking character gets a copy of the card. If this is the case, then I definitely think both players should get to keep the card when Unstoppable Chop is ducked.

    If I'm wrong about the discarding, or if you simply think it would be silly for both players to get the card - then I think Duck should take priority. The instructions for Unstoppable Chop say
    I think the key here is that if the attack is ducked and thus swiped, then it wouldn't have been 'discarded' anyway. Therefore the ducking character should get the card.

    (The current functionality is that the attacker gets to keep Unstoppable Chop if it is ducked.)
  19. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I'm pretty sure that if you Duck a non-AoE attack then the ducker gets the original card and the ducked character loses it. Copies should only be made when there is more than one target.
  20. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    Interesting. Thanks. I guess I just haven't paid enough attention to the card numbers to notice that (and I haven't ever seen ducked attack get drawn again by my ducking character).

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