[Feedback] Card Draw

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Xynn, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. Xynn

    Xynn Kobold

    Ive only been in the beta for a few days now, and Im only level 8 but Ive come across something that infuriates me to no end. I cannot count how many times I have drawn a new hand only to have it be completely filled with movement and/or armor cards. My warrior currently has a 37 card deck(5 attack, 4 block, 5 armor, 2 utility, 20 attack). I should be drawing an attack card every 1.85 cards, instead Im drawing them far less often. My wizard has a 34 card deck(6 move, 2 armor, 26 attack). She draws armor cards more often than not. Shes ended up being my finisher often only because of her range. My cleric is at 34(2 move, 3 armor, 3 shield, 11 heals, 15 attacks) and seems to be the most useful, the majority of the time drawing either an attack, heal or utility card.

    Ive played TCGs/CCGs for years and I know that card draw can get streaky due to, what I can only call, a random universe. But with this being electronic I know it can be tweaked in favor of one way or another. Im aware that we as a player will always draw one movement card, and Im fine with that. You might tell me "Just put a different item in the slot" and I say that could be a good idea, but Im a more head on attack kind of player. At my currently level, the boots that are available to me either are 3 movement, 2 move/1 armor, or 1/1/1 move/armor/attack. My warrior is a human and the human traits available are 1 move/2 utility or 2 move/1 utility. I can shuffle them around a bit to put more of what I want in the deck, but all Im doing is building a bigger deck, when I want a smaller deck so I can draw the cards I want more often. Its like in Magic, why build a 100 card deck with lots of cards in it that you want to draw and MIGHT draw, when you can build a 60 card deck with higher odds of drawing them? I want to either disable my move card draws or be able to disable the slots that force me to have extra move cards.

    Just some thought and feedback. Ill probably put my rant on spears and troggs in another thread.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    You're aware that you always draw at least one move - due to your racial? Just checking if that's part of your problem, or if you're thinking you're drawing insane amounts of move on TOP of that. Best way to avoid drawing moves is making sure you minimize move on boots et c, you'll still draw that racial (which it sounds like you're already trying - could be an itemization issue then). The game doesn't allow you to change your deck size (as nonfilled slots counts), it's part of the deckbuilding scheme - and even magic has a min size after all. The item suite system is based around tradeoffs - not straight comparable to MtG's card by card system either.
  3. Xynn

    Xynn Kobold

    I seem to consistently have 5 cards in my warriors hand, 2 armor/3 move or vice-versa and I have tried to minimize the move cards possible in my decks. MtG does have a minimum deck size, but I can also choose to build a deck of 100 basic lands and 2 sorceries if I want to. The nature of boots it seems though is that I am forced to have more move cards in my deck, even if I dont want them in it. This is why Id like to be able to do something about the move cards.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    There are a lot of boots out there, some with armor and even lacking move cards as I recall (can't pull one out of my head though) and until you reach the deck cap (36 cards with all slots unlocked), moves are usually not a problem. I suggest checking out MP if you haven't to see if you still think movement is as much of an issue (more than a temporary nuisance due to order of slot unlocks and drop luck).
  5. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    Same here. It happens to my warrior all the time, even though my deck is balanced. It's probably just chalked up to bad luck. :confused:
  6. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    You know, I've been paying closer attention since I've come across this thread, and you know something, it seems like this game is against warriors. Lol. My wizard gets her attack cards often enough, as does my priest. But my warrior? Psh. He goes 2, sometimes 3 rounds without getting any attack cards, or he gets the weaker ones. I've actually lost games because of this. It's pretty ridiculous.

    It will just be said that it's due to bad luck, though. Not much we can do about it.
  7. agent8261

    agent8261 Mushroom Warrior

    It's just perception. I feel the exact same way. It's like that game knows I need attack cards but only gives me movement cards. That being said, when I change my boots and my racial, there is a noticeable lack of movement draws. Instead my warrior never has enough movement cards.
  8. funny

    funny Mushroom Warrior

    And people call you only when you are in the bath tub.
  9. TheOneBigOne

    TheOneBigOne Mushroom Warrior

    Don't listen to the people defending the rng and claiming it's perception or it's just you. There IS something wrong with the draw system.
  10. azelea

    azelea Mushroom Warrior

    Based on what?
  11. TheOneBigOne

    TheOneBigOne Mushroom Warrior

    Observable factual data that I can repeat. AKA the scientific method
  12. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Lets see what you got
  13. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

  14. azelea

    azelea Mushroom Warrior

    I like observable factual data. You did not give me any here.

    I'm glad for the logs link that doctor blue posted. I would suggest instead listen to both people who say there is something wrong and who say there isn't something wrong. It will give you more reliable information if you listen to both sides.

    To say "don't listen to them, they are clearly wrong", is a very agressive thing to say if it isn't backed up by rigourous proof.

    How reliable your proof is, we'll discuss in that other thread, although I'm probably wasting my energy since you already claim you're not listening.

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