[Suggestion] $20 Starter Pack

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Tobold, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Tobold

    Tobold Goblin Champion

    I've been considering what a new player who wanted to spend money on Card Hunter would best be advised to buy. What I came up with was spending $20 for 690 pizza, spending 300 pizza on the treasure hunt value bundle, spending 300 pizza on 1 month of Card Hunter Club membership, and transforming the remaining 90 pizza into gold and buying single items and simple chests with the gold. No, I didn't forget multiplayer starter packs, but you get one of those for free, so I didn't include another one.

    The reason I would go with that $20 purchase plan is that it gives you a lot of items early in the game, when you need them most. Much later in the game a simple chest for example is much less useful, as you are likely to already have all the items it contains. But at level 1 with your first party they are great.

    But then I realized that a new player was unlikely to read that recommendation, regardless of where I posted it. People don't generally visit game forums before they have played the game for a while. And not knowing what to buy best with pizza will presumably hold some people back from buying pizza until they understand the game much better. At which point my plan is outdated.

    So I was wondering whether it would be a good idea for Blue Manchu to offer something like a Starter Pack with a similar content for $20, and maybe throw in a free figurine or something as a bonus. What do you think?
    Nukenin, skip_intro, funny and 3 others like this.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I'm a big fan up up front payment, and even if it's more of an illusion in this case - I think a starter pack could be a great idea, especially a non-random one, and why not add three figurines?
  3. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Big fan of this idea. upvoted :D
  4. funny

    funny Mushroom Warrior

    I always do. But then, i was half a decade on DnD min/max forums, so maybe i don't count for "generally".

    I like the suggestion, and if we could get something extra as a bonus (like a figurine) it would be extra tempting.
  5. Card Hunter Joe

    Card Hunter Joe Blue Manchu

    What would you have in the $20 starter pack?
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    3 figurines (could even be something that's sold later in the shop at a higher price), 1 month club membership (?) and a basic assorment of loot (common and/or uniques for any slot) that would be useful to a party up to lvl x. Keys to unlock x number of premium adventures?
  7. Granitozaurus

    Granitozaurus Kobold

    Personally I disagree with starter loot, that would just ruin the experience, the beginning of the game was definitely the most fun part for me. Anyway the figurines part is definitely a great idea and to that I would add premium adventures or club membership(both? but that wouldn't fit into the price point, maybe 15 day club and some premium adventures where's later you could buy the rest of them for extra pizza)
  8. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I agree with your about the starter loot, but this would be very basic - and a way to get the people having issues with rng and difficulty curve a bone. Maybe not a good idea? A starter pack could be sort of a teaser pack - maybe not all of the premium dungeons, and a limited time membership - so people can check out if they want to buy the rest.
    Granitozaurus likes this.
  9. Granitozaurus

    Granitozaurus Kobold

    yeah, 14 day club(or even shorter) + few premium dungeons and some figurines would definitely be a buy from me!
  10. AxeGrinder

    AxeGrinder Kobold

    Personally, I think it may be better to give a starter pack which is worth a certain amount of slices, but contains some pre-chosen things. Then again, maybe not.

    I was thinking that in the first case (just pizza slices) it's easy for a new player to spend them on things and later regret the specific purchases. This can happen if a player isn't fuly aware of all the game mechanics and ways to achieve/get things.

    With a partially predetermined pack the chances are slimmer of that happening, although a similar thing can happen, where a player thinks he/she is getting A, B and C but is getting A, D and E.
  11. Tobold

    Tobold Goblin Champion

    A Starter Pack should definitely contain the treasure hunt adventures and one month of club membership. Fill up the rest of the value with chests and figurines.
  12. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Well, $20 is 690 pizza slices

    I would like
    1 month membership worth 300 pizza
    All Treasure unlock worth 300 pizza
    1 Figurine = get free when you buy $20 pizza anyway
    either 4 x magnificent chest = 120 pizza OR 1 epic chest = 150 pizza

    So, we would get a total value of 720 pizza or 750 pizza for our $20

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