When does Gary introduce MP if he does?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by thunderchrist, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. thunderchrist

    thunderchrist Kobold

    I wanted to check out MP but I don't have a starter deck. My party just hit level 5 after defeating the first lizardman module.

    I don't mind buying more pizza but I was just curious if Gary officially introduces MP at some point and gives you a deck to play around with.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    He does, I was under the impression it was around lvl 5 - so you can't be to far away. Might be another adventure or two before you get the prompt about checking out the lobby. The free deck is the Adventurers one.
  3. Ramizeth

    Ramizeth Kobold

    It happened to me today when one of my 1st characters hit level 6.
  4. Ezekremiah

    Ezekremiah Kobold

    I got the prompt to go to MP, found out that it gives you a set of characters already levelled-up to L18, so decided to come back when I'd had a bit more practice.

    However, while I was there in the MP-lobby, I thought I'd spectate a match for a bit, so clicked on a random match to do so - the browser then proceeded to hang, and then crash.

    When I logged back in, I chose to continue with the campaign, but I now had three extra character-sheets to the left of my usual ones (all level 1), with all of the equipment from the levelled-up characters in my mule/stash. Should this have happened, or are they both supposed to be completely separate? I can pop a post in the Bugs forum, if the latter...
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Those characters you are given are only levelled to 18 in mp - if you use them in sp, they're at the level you level them to. It just counts all mp parties as lvl 18 (no matter actual level). It's exactly as intended, but might be surprising since the gear carries over.
  6. Ezekremiah

    Ezekremiah Kobold

    Yeah, I noticed them drop back to level 1 once I went back to the campaign. I just wasn't expecting to get to keep all of the high-level gear, most of which I can't use yet due to the power-core requirements! :)
  7. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    That's part of their "grand plan." You may freely share inventory between single-player and multiplayer, "funding" one experience from the other. However, you can't just jump ahead and become super-powerful if you don't play the game and get the power tokens and/or items.

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