Let's talk about: Game Difficulty!

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Pengw1n, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Proxiehunter

    Proxiehunter Orc Soldier

    I don't think I've faced a large creature yet since the dragon in the tutorial. If I put lava under one square of a creature and acid under another will it be hit by both or just one?
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member


    They added a diagram to the help explain it, so it's 1 terrain tile - total. And this will indeed make the bosses less like pushovers - will be interesting to see if they need to be tuned down to match this, but doubt it.
  3. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    I'm personally finding the game to be extremely difficult. I feel more frustrated than challenged.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Some more specific feedback would help. Is the game too complex in terms of deckbuilding, strategy, any particular challenge etc? Just saying "too hard" or similar isn't rally useful feedback.
  5. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    I feel like the game throws too much at you too fast. The first few levels are fine, but at the 6/7 levels it feels like the game expects you to be a master or something. There are either way too many enemies to handle at once at these levels, or just simply overpowered enemies. I've switched around my decks a few times, bought the best items I could afford, but that doesn't seem to help much. Right now I'm at The White Star and Beneath the Frozen Earth and I can't beat them no matter what I do. I'm sure if I try enough I'll eventually do it, but it's frustrating me that it's taking so long.
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    There are a lot of threads about those specific encounters - and they were recently nerfed (as you can see in my tactical diary in the sig). Have you looked up suggested strategies for these encounters or do you feel you should be able to beat it without any outside help? How many times have you failed the adventures - and have you come close to beating them?
  7. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    I'd prefer to play without help but I guess I'll look into those if needed.

    I've failed The White Star at least 5 times. I made it to the last map once but I couldn't beat it. I've only played the other one twice. Didn't get past the first map.
  8. Proxiehunter

    Proxiehunter Orc Soldier

    When I started having trouble around level six/seven I went back, made a second party, and played them through until they hit the adventures that had been troubling me. With the new items I'd obtained I had much less trouble. Same thing when I hit Compass of Xor and kept getting wiped.

    Now, one thing I have been finding very frustrating lately is when I'm down to the last enemy on a map and it's a highly mobile type that spends five or more rounds juuuuuuuuust outside of my range.
  9. Tobold

    Tobold Goblin Champion

    First thing, don't worry, there has been a LOT of feedback from new players having similar problems in the level 6 to 8 range, you are not alone.

    Second, the discussion on difficulty of any adventure is complicated by the fact that it very much depends on your equipment. There are two major factors here: You could have chosen to equip items that are less than optimal for a specific battle or adventure. Or you could have simply played the game straight from level 1 to level 6, 7, or 8 without replaying maps and by pure chance and randomness not found the items that would make those adventures much easier.

    There are two solutions to that: If you prefer your games to be free, wait a day and replay the lower level adventures to "farm gear". If you don't mind spending some money, there are various other ways to get more gear faster, from the Card Hunter club to transforming pizza into gold and then either buying the cheapest chests for 18 gold each, or specific items in the shops.
  10. jubenei

    jubenei Mushroom Warrior

    I have been replaying some of these maps with a different party composition and i totally agree with you. They are really really tough. But from what i can say this is how the game works, as your are always restricted on level when playing a map basically the feeling of slowly advancing and always facing enemys which seem to be overpowerd didn't change until you finish the campaign. At least for me. But i have to say maybe this is just something people are not used to any more because most computer games tend to be stupidly easy.

    On the other hand once you have gone through it and beaten all the stuff it feels amazing. Like you have really done something, so can't tell whether this is good or bad.
  11. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I think what's happening is that levels 1-5 are introduction and training, and levels 6-8 are the test. Did you learn how to deal with blocks? Armor? Blocks and armor and assisting chars in the same module? If you pass you get a free starter pack and the last of your equipment slots and your first couple power tokens.
  12. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yeah, one thing that's been suggested (first post in this thread, and other places) is to remove the timer from completed adventures - so that even if the current adventures you need to beat to progress are too hard, you might still have a shot to get some gear and minor xp to beef up. I'd rather have that than a general lowering of difficulty - and hopefully that can please both sides of the discussion, to at least some degree.
  13. Raitei

    Raitei Kobold

    I'm also stuck on The Throne of Strench. Too many Crude Plates / Tough Hide. After I lost the first time, the tip to get fire or acids cards popped up on the screen so that helped. Right now my wizard is trying to do most of the work with Hot Spot and Acid Blast. However, even with these cards, it is difficult with only one character doing most of the work. Maybe there could be an easier mission before that promotes fire and acid cards where teamwork mechanics are also used.
  14. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    Yeah, I'm thinking about doing something like that now that the exhausted levels should be free again.

    I tried different gear as much as I could. I have replayed some levels and got more gear, and I've also bought some. Maybe, like you said, I'm just unlucky in that I haven't yet gotten the optimal gear for those levels.

    Cool. Glad to know it's not just me being a noob. Lol.

    Oh, and this is unrelated, but I just realized yesterday that characters you buy are automatically maxed out in MP. I believe they're at level 18. What I'm wondering, is 18 the max level for MP? I think I saw someone mention that you can go higher than that but I'm not sure.
  15. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    All characters are level 18 in MP, no matter when/how you got them, and you can't level in MP (no XP). You can level higher in the Campaign, but it's really tedious because (currently) the highest module is only level 17.
  16. Ultreos

    Ultreos Mushroom Warrior

    You know, when the response in a thread is there have been a lot of threads commenting on the difficulty of these areas, maybe, just maybe, the area itself is more difficult then it should be.

    The creatures in these particular areas, particularly the ones with the huge armor that are a freaking 2 up block mitigating 4 damage are INSANELY unfair considering the cards you are given to work with on average by that point.

    Even having the armor penetration I can use, the fights are still so difficult and luck based I avoid them because they simply are not worth the time repeating. Literally I am at a point where I absolutely refuse to repeat that part of the game because there are not enough cards in my possession to deal with that challenge and I am leve 14. Somehow, someway I have been good enough for every challenge, EXCEPT this particular area.

    When someone who has gone on to the level 14 areas refuses to repeat a challenge, not because they don't have the cards to deal, but because the challenge itself is too luck based, there's a bit of a problem there.

    There is a difference between asking for easy, and asking for fair.

    I think part of what would make the game more fair when it comes to some of these challenges with larger groups of enemies would be to make armor attach to the enemy that has it. Instead of it going to the entire group. When there are three enemies, and one 2 up 4 damage mitigation armor between all three making them essentially untouchable, the fact that they only need one card to make the entire group invincible is not only frustrating it's enough to put the damn game down.

    Enemies are getting too much help with how group mobs work and frankly, armor cards for enemies are way to strong compared to the penetration cards given.
  17. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    Ah. What's the max level? And what benefits are there to leveling higher than 18, more power tokens?
  18. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Max is lvl 20, benefit is more power tokens for gear and hp but that's not really useful at m as you're downgraded when running adventures out of your actual lvl range.
  19. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    Gotcha. Thanks. Back on topic now. :)
  20. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    You know, there's a difference between not being able to figure out how to beat something and not being able to due to game difficulty. Are you expected to beat everything as easily as you have in the past, or this intended design you have to adapt/react to.

    That's what a lof of discussing in this thread has been about. I beat the Trogg adventures a couple of times when I wrote my journal and rated all the adventures and I never had any major problems with them. My reason for doing that project was to see how hard the game was without ANY replayed content, running a standard party (war, pri, wiz) and no chests bought. I wouldn't consider myself a strategic mastermind, so I believe it's just that which makes it hard to grasp for some of us that others can have such issues with certain adventures. That being said, there is rng (good AND bad luck in adventures and terms of loot), adventures that were (and are overtuned) and frustration is never fun for anyone.

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