First impressions thread

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Jon, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. JMTron

    JMTron Kobold

    Well I just lost half of the day to this game...

    Lot of fun, no major gripes and I think most of my complaints have been mentioned before:
    Why can't we cancel move cards after we click on them?
    I think treasure should be worth more gold, right now everything is very underpriced compared to the store. Even big story items like the white diamond star thing was only 10 gold. It makes me not want to buy anything in the store. Maybe that's the point.
  2. BFrost

    BFrost Kobold

    I must say that I really love the game. I've been waiting for the invite for a long time and now I spend ridiculous amounts of time playing :)
    What I love more than anything is the art style. My wife doesn't play games at all (and is not thrilled when I play a lot LOL) but when she saw me playing Card Hunter she said "Wow, this game looks beautiful!" :)
    So, congrats, and looking forward to the full game!
  3. Topher

    Topher Kobold

    So, my first thoughts:

    Well executed, fun and quite the treat. There is a bit of "die and figure it out" as to be expected. But not a whole lot of it. I am a bit concerned if it ramps up in difficulty too quickly, but that's a ways off I bet as I feel it's pretty fair so far.

    A "feedback thought":
    • It's just a tad unsettling when I get drops far above my level. It's nice to get "rare" drops or even uncommon ones with fantastic looking effects and spells...but what's the point of dropping a level 17 item when I'm level 4? Or getting a drop for a class or ability I don't have yet? I'd suggest some way for the random drops to take into account your current level. But, maybe others prefer the wide range of level drops? Not sure, just a thought.
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Welcome aboard!
    Are you referring to the multiplayer loot? For single-player victories, the level range is always close to the level of the adventure. For randomized chest purchases (from the chest stores), you can see the range before you select. But for multiplayer, the range is broad on purpose: you can use anything in multiplayer, and having it be so different helps balance the two play modes.

    As to getting an item for a slot you can't use yet . . . would you believe how many people have complained about the exact opposite? Honest. Many people have said "I just unlocked a slot, but I don't already have items to put in them, this is bad design!" If you got it before you needed it, then you're ready to go!

    Edit: Oh, I see you also mentioned classes. Trust me: you'll want to run those other classes later for different builds. And one of the most common pieces of advice given about your inventory is DON'T SELL THAT STUFF.
  5. Jonab

    Jonab Kobold

    Love the old school D&D vibe, the artwork, the out of game characters (more please)and the little touches like the table and the dice.
    The only thing i found was a little off was the activity window in the left hand corner. It was hard following that and the action in the main part at the same time.
    Great game
  6. Topher

    Topher Kobold

    Ah! Then the wider range of items came from the free chest(s) of the intro. I haven't tried (and most likely won't) multiplayer as I usually don't prefer fighting against real people. The "no item but slot available" is kinda funny. I guess I'm the other end of the spectrum :). I realize just getting the slot gives you some default abilities. Well, rather get the drop then not I guess.

    So, the "don't sell ..." advice pertains to the more rare/uncommon equipment? I assume it's fine to sell the common/cheap stuff?
  7. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    The "don't sell" advice is a warning to catch a broad range of problems. You need different strategies and/or builds for different purposes, and you won't necessarily need those items now for your current strategy. So, if you hadn't played enough yet to see the different situations, you might go "Why would I want Wavering Faith? That's a stupid card; it makes me discard even more!" and sell literally every item that contains it. Then one day you are crippled by enemies with Armor cards like Only Bones and realize you need Wavering Faith, because, of course, it makes the enemy discard too. Whoops, too late! I sure hope you have other ways to beat those Skeletons.

    And the cards in question (Wavering Faith just being a low-powered example) could be on various rarity items. I posted over here about how much use I get from a Common Boots item.
  8. Valourin

    Valourin Kobold

    I just finished the tutorial and while it was pretty easy that is what I would expect from a tutorial. I cannot think of a game that has had a difficult tutorial and that makes sense since it is only to teach the mechanics. So far I am really enjoying the game a great deal, the aesthetic brings back memories of seeing the old boxed Dungeons and Dragons, which I owned all of, as well as the modules for it.
  9. Ceris_Galstan

    Ceris_Galstan Kobold

    I played the game for a couple hours and I've really enjoyed it so far! I really got a kick out of how the game looks reminds me so much of when I used to rummage through my Dad's D&D stuff (the pawns, the boards, and definitely the modules) when I was a kid and my later years playing RPGs. It seemed pretty easy for me to dive in and after a little trial and error work out how to use the cards I have effectively.

    One problem I have run into so far are buying items in the store. I'll admit that sometimes I don't play close enough attention and accidentally select the wrong item. This happened to me really early on in the game when I was still figuring things out. I bought a staff and realized it wasn't the one I needed (or I found a slightly better one I missed), tried to sell the one I just bought back to buy the other staff at the exact same price and realized I would only get 1 gold back so I couldn't afford the other staff. In other games I've played they've allowed you to sell them back at full cost within a short period of I guess some sort of buy back system would be awesome. If not, no big deal. After messing up the first time it forced me to pay closer attention to what I'm selecting.

    Otherwise after just a few hours I've had a great time and looking forward to playing more soon!
  10. Blazerkin

    Blazerkin Kobold

    Read about this game on Hyper, an Australian gaming magazine and thought it sounded awesome. Signed up, and now two days after playing, I love it. Dropped $10 on the first day to join The Club, something I normally never do. Love the framing device, graphics are charmingly old-school, what a fantastic game.

    But, some gripes and suggestions, some that have probably been raised:
    • Being able to cancel after selecting an action but not a move is really strange to me.
    • Lack of availability of some items. So many times my Elven Wizard has had nothing to do because she has nothing but move cards, because I can't find an Elven Skill so she has a bunch of spare move cards cluttering her deck. Some way of ensuring that shops have at least something for every possible slot might help
    • Competitive multiplayer is fun, but any chance for some co-operative multiplayer in future? Campaign missions that require other players, or 2 vs. 2 competitive multiplayer?
  11. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Welcome to the fold Blazerkin,

    1 and 3 are mentioned in the FAQ thread.

    2 has been brought up by some players, racials (and quality thereof) in general seem very lacking in drop rate (might be due to limited numbers of skills compared to other items).
  12. Blazerkin

    Blazerkin Kobold

    Ah, whoops, normally I'm really good about reading that stuff before opening my mouth, I swear!

    That'll learn me for posting at 11pm. :oops:
  13. Zefar

    Zefar Kobold

    Been playing for about a week now and got up to lv 11 in the campaign and a few PvP battles and so far I am loving it! For me the game ramped up difficulty really smoothly up to around 8 with the battles winnable without gear to counter enemies with maybe a few losses due to bad draws. I really like the differences between the 3 races; after a few maps I dropped the dwarf warrior for an elf because I felt like I needed the movement, now some matches (and PvP) I really wish I had the extra durability because I need to block a small area or hold onto a victory position. After that certain maps do start to need some specific counters and by then I mostly had enough gear or could go buy some to be able to do it. Didn't read most of this thread but the only item slot i had empty for more than a few fights was the elf racial and the stores didnt have it for me.

    Some stuff I would like to see
    Saved Item Sets: I had built my sorc with arcane/electric but wanted to try out Burning/Tiles, I would have loved to be able to "save" my set up, swap gear to the burning one save that set up and easily switch between the two depending on the map. I was able to type all the names out into a txt document and use search to re-do it fairly easily but still nothing like a 1 button swap.
    Save the Preference for auto-target, I always forget turn it off and use righteous frenzy on my wizard or heal the wrong buy if I click it to test range instead of hovering
  14. Just played through the first tutorial dungeon or what have you. WOW! So much fun! Love the aesthetics, the "out of character" characters, everything about it. (That I've experienced so far!) At times the combat felt quick, when the enemies played cards or I played some combat skill but I realize now that was because only one enemy was in range so the game auto attacked, totally fine.

    The way items represent cards in the deck of actions is brilliant! My first impression is overwhelmingly positive! About to begin the Raid on Ommlet with Gary leading the way and hopefully with a bit more playing I'll have more to say. As of now it can be summed up in one word: FUN.
  15. Doctor Blue

    Doctor Blue Orc Soldier

    I should've posted here already. :confused: I've already made several threads about things, but to sum everything up into something short: I think the campaign is a bit too hard. At least, some of the modules. I think the MP has a few issues here and there. But overall, I think Card Hunter is a pretty good game right now. I think it has potential to be a great game. Definitely one of the best online games I've played in last years.
  16. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Just heard about the game last week and get in beta 2 days ago. I was just getting interested in Scrolls from Mojang and look around to find Card Hunter. I'll share some thoughts:

    First impression: Feels like it's the game made for me, a perfect blend of TBS and item collection (which build deck). The tutorial which start you out strong and bring back down to lvl 1 is a good way to introduce the game. Mechanics are cleverly designed, from the small party (3), the turn+round system and the quick battle gameplay (long battle are usually a huge problem for TBS). Pizza system never feels like P2W. I've spend time making my way to lvl 9 in the campaign and only a few low lvl matchmaking game. Progression seems fine from the self found item so far. The campaign feels very varied with different enemy strategy. I really feels like adapting my deck and play against them, which is a good thing. Power token system really bring decision making to another level. Overall the beta feels very polished and ready for release

    Bad impression:
    - The game being based on flash and run on a browser really turns people off. I can't stress the importance of having the desktop client available before official release.
    - Randomness: Sometimes the dice roll can have a huge impact on the outcome of a match (on top of the randomness of card draw). I'm not sure how much of an impact this is on high lvl play but it might turns a lot of ppl off.
    - Variety and balance: Can't really comment since I havent get around to high lvl matchmaking yet. AI enemy having powerful card is totally fine and the power tokens could do a nice job limiting those card on players. I have my hope the Blue Manchu can do balance justice.
  17. BFrost

    BFrost Kobold

    Why the fact that the game runs in flash can turn people off? I don't want to sound condescending, I really want to know what's wrong with flash.
  18. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Historically flash gams have been simple, cheap and pretty meh - so it's based on expectation. This game is "too good" to be a flash game, way to advanced et c.
  19. Hey everyone,

    I was just invited to the beta yesterday and have since spent a few hours throwing down on this game. Overall I really like it. It's cute and fun and I'm enjoying the combat and silly humor a lot. I like the graphics and feel it really goes with the theme well. Things are easy to see and stand out quite well.

    As for my suggestions so far:

    I think I'm joining the choir when I say that I feel that we get way too little gold for the items we sell. I understand that you want people to keep their items but surely upping the gold given back even just a little wouldn't change this. Plus this will allow us to play with some of these items to see what we think of the abilities/cards they contain that much more easily.

    And I saw this mentioned already too but I, too, would suggest being able to cancel move cards that have been selected but not used in any way beyond that.

    One problem I did have was during the "No block from behind"/LOS tutorial. At the time it came up I also happened to be examining a card (thus it was front and center on the screen) and was not able to dismiss it to watch the tutorial. This resulted in not being able to see any of the flashing squares and was a bit of a pain to go through.

    I heard that in the campaign we shouldn't be getting items that are much higher level than us. So was it a fluke that I got a level 15 helmet at level 3?

    Finally, and I realize I probably haven't played far enough to really understand the concept of power tokens but I do feel that these are a bit confusing and making these items available to players when they can't use them can be frustrating. I noticed that there are circular slots attached to the side of each item slot in my character's inventory. Seeing that the power tokens are also circular and are of the same size my mind translates this as "Some items have one or more Power tokens attached to them. I will need to make sure I have the requisite number of available slots on the item slot in question to use it." All the game has said so far is "dont' buy things with power tokens". Okay, fine, but I'd really like to have been given more of an explanation. At this point (I'm around level 4-5) I feel like I understand the game well enough and am open to learning additional concepts.

    Thanks for hearing me out! See you all around!

  20. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Scionfall, are you sure that lvl 15 helmet wasn't from a chest (the free one for instance) or from mp? Shouldn't happen otherwise and it wouldn't be the first time someone forgot that.

    Welcome aboard!

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