BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Maze,Room=TOTR (phaselock),RoomID=3714 The interesting story thus far: Dwarf wizard casted Path of Knives against Flying Monkeys, Duck triggered. On next turn, Flying Monkey attached PoK on my human warrior. I drew Holy Presence on my human wizard, kept her and the human warrior adjacent. Turn came around, PoK remained attached to my warrior when it should have been cleared. WAI?
I think it's due to the cards origin - the game might not be able to percieve it's an enemy card, as it came from your deck originally (and holy presence now only works on enemy attachments), very interesting!
Egad. That sounds like a problem. Now that the rule is "Holy Presence removes enemy cards," this might be unavoidable. They'd have to add new code that temporarily flags "this card is a [side X] card temporarily owned by [side Y] and should be treated as such until sent to the discard pile."
Hmm, it should consider who the controller is, not the owner, so that should have worked. I'll log this.
This is not a case of Holy Presence but the mechanics are similar. Post 2.16 build: Purge correctly removes enemy attachments from allies and enemy buffs from enemies. But it does not remove enemy attachments from allies if said attachment is from a card stolen by Duck. Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422 BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Event=PlayAction,Action=Chilling Rime,Instigator=DWiz_test1,Targets=Zaius BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=Duck,TriggeringActor=Zaius,AffectedActors=Zaius,TriggerType=Action,TriggerLocation=Hand BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Msg=Zaius, health = 20 (pi:1, gi:0, ai:2) blocks Chilling Rime BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Msg=Chilling Rime was cancelled. BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Group=War Monkeys,Event=Discard,Card=Duck BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Msg=The active player is now Gary BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Event=PlayAction,Action=Chilling Rime,Instigator=Zira,Targets=DP_test1 BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Msg=DP_test1 took 2 damage BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Msg=Attaching Chilling Rime to DP_test1 *snip* BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Msg=The active player is now phaselock BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Event=PlayAction,Action=Purge,Instigator=DP_test1,Targets=DP_test1 BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=121422,Msg=The active player is now Gary story: My wizard casted a chilling rime, war monkey ducked, used chilling rime on my dwarven priest who tried to purge itself a turn later....nada
Are you testing in a new build ? I just repro'ed and Purge still didn't remove. BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Msg=The active player is now phaselock BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Event=PlayAction,Action=Cold Snap,Instigator=DWiz_test1,Targets=Cornelius BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Event=TriggerSucceed,Trigger=,TriggeringActor=Cornelius,AffectedActors=Cornelius,TriggerType=Action,TriggerLocation=Hand BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Msg=Cornelius, health = 3 (pi:1, gi:0, ai:1) Attached cards: Flame Spit (2) blocks Cold Snap BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Msg=Cold Snap was cancelled. BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Group=War Monkeys,Event=Discard,Card=Duck BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Msg=The active player is now Gary BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Event=PlayAction,Action=Cold Snap,Instigator=Cornelius,Targets=DWiz_test1 BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Event=TriggerFail,Trigger=Resistant Hide,TriggeringActor=DWiz_test1,AffectedActors=,TriggerType=PreDamage,TriggerLocation=Hand BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Msg=DWiz_test1 took 4 damage BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Msg=Attaching Cold Snap to DWiz_test1 BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Msg=The active player is now phaselock BATTLE LOG: Player=phaselock,Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Event=PlayAction,Action=Purge,Instigator=DP_test1,Targets=DWiz_test1 BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Msg=The active player is now Gary BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Monkey Attack,Room=AWMO (phaselock),RoomID=126879,Msg=Gary passed. story: My wizard casted a cold snap, war monkey ducked, used cold snap on my wizard...priest tried to purge that off, didn't work...