Campaign reward questions

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by kogi, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    I just finished Lair of the dragon and cardstockII, and the rewards I got were only uncommon. Was I suppose to get rare minimum?

    Also, if I replay with the quests active, are the rewards the same lvl as the quest? or is it random?

  2. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    You are guaranteed some sort of combination of Uncommons the first time you complete a normal adventure. We're not sure if it's one Uncommon or two. Subsequent times, there is no guaranteed minimum at all.

    You are guaranteed at least one Rare, minimum, when you complete a quest. You may only complete a quest once.

    All adventures and quests, no matter when you do them, give you items within a very small level range of the adventure's level. You can use this to your advantage if you know there's a particular type of loot you want: for instance, replaying adventures that give you gear on the upper boundary of a power token type.
  3. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    Yup at teh end of both Lair of the dragon and cardstockII quest. shows a golden chest but only uncommon items when opened
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    I couldn't quite parse that, but I think you're confusing the treasure chests in adventures with the "guaranteed rare" chests in multiplayer. They aren't the same.

    The game visual could be more helpful on this.
  5. Oberon

    Oberon Hydra

    Yeah, I think campaign chests are pretty confusing as well. However, it doesn't stop me from redoing adventures like crazy.

    So there are the rules set in the chest shop for simple, ornate, magnificent and epic chests. Then there are the chests in MP, which seem to follow the same rules as the chest shop. The chests in Campaign use the same graphics (using wood and gold chest images at least), but seem to follow different rules (level specific items, no guaranteed rares). The Campaign quests add another set of chest rules, which I don't even think we know exactly other than the final chest is better than the final chest in the normal Campaign adventure. In addition to this, you have the pizza club adding items at a predetermined rarity but dependent on the type of chest you've opened, which would be nice to understand.

    It's not the easiest thing to sort out.

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