Item Names

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Kalin, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I get bugged by inconsistent terms and spellings. Examples:

    Gray Blade
    Grey Leather Boots
    Grey Rapier

    Rusted Angel Mail
    Rusted Iron Boots
    Rusting Chain Shirt
    Rusty Chainmail
    Rusty Martial's Cap
    Rusty Plated Shoes
    Rusty Shield
    Rusty Spiked Helmet
    (and "martial" is an adjective not a noun, so shouldn't be possessive)

    Alchemist Robes
    Amber Robes
    Beast's Robes
    Cloth Robe
    Crackling Robes
    Firebug Robe
    Heavy Green Robe
    Hotblast Robe
    Humming Hide Robes
    Red Robes
    Robe of Lightness
    Robe of Opposition
    Robes of Forgetfulness
    Robes of Levitation
    Toasty Robes
    Wingtip Robes
    Witchway Robes

    "Shiny Ear ring" shouldn't have the second space, "St Trobor's Maul" is missing the period, and the "Mighty Sparkping Staff" sounds like a bad search&replace, one that missed the Zapping Staff (which has no Zaps).

    And in general I'd prefer hyphens to be followed by capital letters.
  2. Unlucky Scarecrow

    Unlucky Scarecrow Goblin Champion

    I think "Rusty Martial's Cap " Is probably supposed to be "Rusty Marshal's Cap"
  3. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    There's a thread about that particular item where it was found to be probably a typo, but we liked it.
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    . . . Starting around here. And then the typo was immortalized in the flavor text on Mighty Spark.

    We've been posting such item name problems in the card text bug thread, even though it says "cards" instead of "items," so you might put further ones of these over there. We've reported on the multiple "Ear rings" before (including Shiny, Semi Precious, and Pearl), and other stuff like "Adventurine" (there's no "d"). But . . . in the same way that they're keeping "Sparkping" for the amusement, I have to wonder how many of these others they're going to keep on purpose: "adventurers," after all, might like getting "adventurine" while "adventuring."

    So long as they never include a "rouge" . . .
  5. Ben_Lee

    Ben_Lee Art Director, Chief Executive in charge of Laundry Staff Member

    Fixed for next build, thanks!
  6. Ben_Lee

    Ben_Lee Art Director, Chief Executive in charge of Laundry Staff Member

    Thanks! I changed the Grey items to Gray, and fixed the Marshall's cap.
    We are OK with different states of rust and type of robe.

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