This Is The Most Powerful Legendary!

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Ed Floyd, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Ed Floyd

    Ed Floyd Kobold

    I've just been given the most powerful item I've ever seen in a game. Behold, the divine armor of which lore tells.


    Truly, this is legendary incarnate.
  2. Forduc

    Forduc Orc Soldier

    My priest agrees. Warrior agrees even more :)
  3. Mutak

    Mutak Goblin Champion

    I don't know...
    Dark Drewg's Mace is pretty hot.
    And for divine armor, i think i'd rather have St. Osrim's Corona even though it does require a talent.
    Antioch's Figurine is pretty sweet too.
    ... But there is something special about a level 1 Legendary Item.
    I love those low-level Legendaries - great for completing quests and allowing you to use your talents on other stuff.
  4. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Yea Unholy nimbus is good for decks trying to push out as much damage as possible.
  5. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    Um... I hope this is not to be taken seriously. Because I have two of them...
  6. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Zero talent cost armor that only 1/3 is actual armor and the rest is utility? I think you underestimate its value.
  7. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    It may just be me but I have 22, of the what 29 different no talent cost divine armors, and of them 13 only have 1 armor card. So, it's "utility" seems relative. Now, I did use this armor in SP, but it's time in use was short lived. Personally, I'll stick with Glowing Hide Armor over the rest 9 of out 10 times.
    Evolved likes this.
  8. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    I can see that being a good alternative. Unholy nimbus I still think is a good slot for my deck. Maybe its just me.
  9. tarsonas

    tarsonas Mushroom Warrior

    i run it too. depends on play style
  10. Mutak

    Mutak Goblin Champion

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