I apologize if this has already been covered, but my search didn't turn anything up. 20 pvp wins in a day is an absurd amount of play, and if a person is playing that much they're already going to have a very significant advantage over, say, someone with a job. Is it really necessary to lock Mr game-or-two-a-day out of the guaranteed good stuff? Surely the system should look more like one bonus chest a day to encourage that daily game, and then cyclic epic chests over as long as it takes (probably limited to no more than once a day)? Edit: Sir Knight has helpfully supplied the thread I missed. If a mod could obliterate this thread, that would be awesome.
I strongly recommend a weekly target, just like in f.ex. SWTOR PvP. This allows for more flexibility for people re when they can put in the time. Alongside a daily, that is.
If you actually have a job and a good income since you are so busy working so hard consider just buying the epic chest and you are instantly on equal footing with the people who spend a few hours a day grinding for their epic chest.
The current thread on this matter is still active on the front page: http://www.cardhunter.com/forum/threads/suggestion-reset-time-in-multiplayer-should-be-settable.1849
A good plan, Wozarg, except that I have a job & kids, so I have even less time than someone with a job, and less money than someone without one However, Sir Knight has helpfully supplied the thread I missed. If a mod could obliterate this thread, that would be awesome.
Actually, a mod can combine the two threads! If that doesn't happen, well, I'll just stop posting in this one.