Beta 2.16 (27 May 2013)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jon, May 27, 2013.

  1. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    ok, so I tested a custom game with Farbs earlier. He took the pakkuman board and we played fire vs acid minions. Everything seems to work. Large portraits for monsters won't load since that isn't pushed out to client iirc. Other that than, it was really cool and it gave me more ideas. Some feedback and suggestions:

    a) I'm not sure how much of a draw this will be. There is a learning curve as far as the board editor is concerned which I have no problems with. Gen pop is a different story. Apparently, only club members can create, host a custom game and invite players. As long as there is a rich free repository of custom boards for everyone, custom scenarios will kick off. We might need threads dedicated for custom brd builders and another for scenario builders in future.

    b) Custom scenario needs a separate icon. It has its own interface and doesn't need to be lumped with the casual game menu. Gary's prompts are in there so I guess this can be made visible to all. The burning question: Is it possible to make this a one-off club membership thingy ? ie, as long as an account has been a club member once, it stays unlocked ?
  2. duckroll

    duckroll Kobold

    Did I miss something, or were the pay modules removed from the beta? They're no longer on the map, and I noticed I got 30 pizza slices back.
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    That shouldn't have happened. They did get moved around though - are they perhaps somewhere else on the map?
  4. duckroll

    duckroll Kobold

    Oh, you're right. They're still there. I think I was confused because they were all moved closer together, and since I had completed the available ones they all had the same icon. My bad! >_<

    I think the leftover pizza is from what I haven't spent yet. This is what happens when I don't play a game for a few days and then get back to it. Brain fart. :D
  5. crabbadon

    crabbadon Kobold

    • Removed pizza references from early story to avoid impression of subliminally brainwashing people into spending money;
    I love you guys though, this is a thing you worry about
  6. MacLeod

    MacLeod Mushroom Warrior

    The sort function still uses the word Talent.
  7. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Hmm . . . in practice, this change does funny things to gameplay. And there's something funnier: there's no real difference between the terms! Lemme explain:

    Briefly, I think Push cards should not cause the target to face the attacker, but Slide cards should. Any cards which need to do one or the other could just be updated to match.

    Slide cards include Bash and Force Bolt: these Slide Back 1. They are otherwise normal Attack cards. Other Attack cards make the target face you, which is an important part of gameplay. Pin a Trog Gouger with its face against a wall, hit it with three Bashes, and what happens? Today, nothing. Three Bludgeons? The Gouger turns towards you, and Crude Plates save it a lot of pain. This difference will be unintuitive to new players.

    Push cards include . . . uh, not much. Shuffle, Team! and related ones are a good example. The lack of "turning to face you" makes sense because you are completely in control of the target's new location.

    So . . . why aren't cards like Telekinesis just plain Push cards?

    Why does Maze even bother to have the "Stealthy" keyword, when it could just say "Push 2, randomly"?

    Cards like Telekinesis specifically say "Slide," while Bash says "Slide Back," so it sounds like there's just needless clutter in the nomenclature. Unless there's something I'm missing, you could simplify everything to "Push" and "Slide Back."

    (Sidenote: Jump Back could also probably say "Slide Back 2.")
    Zoorland, Assussanni and Zalminen like this.
  8. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Good catch, thanks!
  9. DragonMind

    DragonMind Mushroom Warrior

    I never really caught it in that way ...though I got a craving for pizza,
    which I had to get satishfied. Just happy they don't use the word
    food, because then I would probably only play the game when I am
    hungry and already eating.
    SigioCroceus likes this.
  10. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    I'm going to add my name to the 'don't like the new power tokens' list. I don't think there was anything wrong with "talents"; the name "power tokens" and design of shiny circles with lightning bolts seems out of place in Card Hunter. I think they look cool but to me they scream sci-fi / futuristic fantasy. Maybe if they could be made to look a little more like gemstones and look / sound a little less like they're associated with electricity?
  11. SigioCroceus

    SigioCroceus Kobold

    No not yet Jon I am going to wait until payday and try to sneak it under the wife's radar so I can drop $50 and (hopefully) not have her notice :p
  12. SigioCroceus

    SigioCroceus Kobold

    I agree with DragonMind on this, I never found the intro pizza stories to be intrusive or overly annoying in their advertising of it as currency. I think the skits with the pizza girl and the GM are cute and funny. You also seem like you toss plenty of Pizza to new players to try out on things anyway, and its completely un-necessary to buy anything in order to compete or enjoy the game. I tend to spend more when its "optional" with some fun exclusives than I might if I had to pay it all up front or if it feels like the game environment "requires" a purchase in order to have a good time. Nothing turns me off faster than the new "founders" packs and whatnot that require 100,200,1000 dollars in order to get all the "exclusives" I'm really glad you kept it in the reasonable range with your pricing, and I will probably spend a lot more over the duration of the game because of that.
  13. Card Hunter Joe

    Card Hunter Joe Blue Manchu

    Some people expressed a concern that the references to pizza early in the story felt like a hard sell. We didn't want that to get in the way of enjoying an important story element. So we changed some of the specific references in the first six levels to avoid this impression i.e. "pizza delivery" became "food delivery."
    Megadestructo likes this.
  14. Bane

    Bane Mushroom Warrior

    I hope Karen is still a 'pizza' girl, however. This for me is one of the best aspects to the game, as I know plenty of pizza delivery girls, and 90% of them are geeky and cool.

    Please throw this quote in the game btw...

    'and there is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza'

    Good old Daria quote.
    Zoorland likes this.
  15. SigioCroceus

    SigioCroceus Kobold

    Totally disagree, I think the Pizza references were pretty fun and fit with the theme of the game. "Food Delivery" just seems generic and lame by comparison.

    I bet the people who complained about this are a lot of fun to hang out with IRL.
    Zoorland likes this.
  16. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Alright, let's not get too carried away.
  17. Lauris

    Lauris Kobold

    I've got a question about the next Beta reset - is it imminent just before going public? I mean, is there any point in starting to develop your party now, while playing the Beta?
  18. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Well, you get to spend pizza and try out the game, play around and help test. If and when there is a next reset, devs will announce beforehand. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you :)
  19. Lauris

    Lauris Kobold

    But I do! If any devs would be kind enough to reply, I'd be grateful.
  20. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Not quite sure what you are asking.

    There will be a reset before we release and possible others during Beta. There's no planned reset imminent though, in the sense of the next couple of weeks at least.

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