The Legend of Dev Diary: The Diary Begins

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Sir Knight, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    The "loot-carrying" feature of Rodolfo (or Rodolfo II et al., depending on whether your mule dies when you lose an adventure (did ya think of that, huh, huh!?)) is one that got my attention. I had forgotten that backpacks are not necessarily all-encompassing. This seems like another good idea for a game trying to theme itself around RPG's and their attendant concepts: really getting people to think about physical realities.
  2. Pugs

    Pugs Mushroom Warrior

    I very much doubt the mule will actually be on the adventure map and thus killable. I suspect it's just a mechanism that works in the background, like a shared backpack.
  3. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Yes, probably, but it's a good riff to run with, though - "protect the mule, it's got all the loot!"
  4. mightymushroom

    mightymushroom Goblin Champion

    If the mule is not on the map, can we at least get a figurine for a tabletop decoration? I wouldn't want Lady Jennabelle to wander off while I'm busy with the adventure.
  5. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    I likewise doubt it will be on the map; this is why I suggested the special circumstances of "when you lose an adventure." If not a single adventurer comes back alive, it might be appropriate to tell the player "Sorry, the kobolds barbecued Rodolfo next; what would you like to name your new mule?"
  6. mightymushroom

    mightymushroom Goblin Champion

    I am expecting that you wouldn't lose your party (or your mule) (although you might lose items) for failing a mission, it's more a case of you didn't reach the save point so you don't get anything you may have earned before they died. I would prefer from a storytelling point of view to develop a core group rather than to constantly replace the fallen. I suppose Card Hunter doesn't have to use the "zero to hero" trope, but it seems likely. Also, the dev diary emphasized that Rodolfo is there to help you maximize your deck for each battle: if getting just the right balance of cards is so important a feature, permanent death seems like a harsh penalty for a wrong guess.
  7. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Protect the Mule?
    He looks fine to me. I think the enemy needs to be worried more.

    (Edit: If you guys get bored of my references just let me know, i'll stop)
  8. Roshirai

    Roshirai Goblin Champion

    Jon likes this.
  9. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    As you all surmised, the mule doesn't appear as a combatant in the battles. I love the idea of having their figure standing on the side of the board though.
  10. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    There's definitely no perma-death in the game. Although I like that for some kinds of games, it wouldn't be appropriate for a game based around long-term progression like this one.

    However, if you do fail to complete an adventure, you won't get the adventure specific rewards. Can't really give more details since we're still working on it, but the intention is to have multiple achievement levels for each adventure.
  11. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    (if you dont already have an idea like this) You could possibly use a mule figure to signify which direction you are coming from when you spawn to a new map. He could be off the side of the map or on a square thats unspawnable.

    Btw the mule is kinda cute, just dont overload it.
  12. mightymushroom

    mightymushroom Goblin Champion

    Okay, I'm probably getting ahead of the diaries. We're finally getting some solid details on party management outside the tactical battles and I'm chomping at the bit.

    What's that, Rodolfo? I can keep it? What do you mean the bit's all slobbery now?

    The Jewel of Alet Zhav module consists of eight battles. We've read elsewhere in the diaries that the aim is for battles to take about 20 minutes each. That's 160 minutes right there, plus time for deckbuilding in preparation for each, plus extra if you have to replay battles (because you failed the first time). A whole module is looking to be 2-4 hours or more. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I won't be able to find that kind of time every time I play. Which, in turn, suggests a need to save our progress until the next session. This goes right along with re-tuning our decks after losing a battle: mid-quest progress save is an invaluable tool for both features.

    So: if my "guild" has 6+ doughty adventurers -- does it? -- can I split them into multiple teams and have more than one quest in progress at the same time? Obviously rewards earned and loot plundered won't be available to equip the stay-at-homes until a team returns, but I don't see offhand any argument to limit the number of quests undertaken except by the number of 3-person parties that we can send.
  13. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Whoa, okay, can this be a feature? Please? I'd LOVE to be able to create, as it were, multiple "sessions" and select which one I want to continue today from a list.

    Sure, the problem of "dude, your Axe of Awesomnity is already out with the first crew of adventurers; you can't use it in your second" is a limitation, but we already know that individual characters have individual decks: you'd have already designed the other decks without the Axe of Awesomnity. So if your adventurers are set to go, why not let them go?
  14. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yes, we definitely save your progress mid-adventure so you can quit out and resume whenever you like. A single adventure would be far too long to require you to stay logged in for the whole thing. In fact, we ultimately want to save your progress mid-battle so you can quit out and resume whenever you like. There's still some more tech work to make that happen though and it is likely to be on the "after we ship" list.

    In terms of multiple simultaneous adventuring parties - that's not supported, mainly because of the potential confusion you guys identified with tracking where things are. I realise that it's not an insoluble problem but it makes the whole interface more complex. It's something we could look at as an optional feature for more advanced players I guess.
  15. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Hmm, im gona build another party and send them on this adventure while my main party is in the dungeon currently *You must construct additional pylons* FFFFFUUUUU......

    Eight battles sounds like a long time to be in an adventure considering last we heard they lasted 20-30minutes. Then again i spend 50minute sessions on league of legends per game normally (my games drag on). Couple of questions that stem from this is i can think of.

    1. Do you recieve loot after each battle or only after the adventure is complete?
    2. If loot comes after the battle then can you go to Rodolfo and equip/inspect new loot?
  16. Pugs

    Pugs Mushroom Warrior

    Also, Rodolfo has limited space which is cool, but I hope once it's back at my palace after the adventure, there's room for every item in the game. In fact, I hope there's room for multiple copies of items. Can we obtain multiple copies of items from adventures? Either by running the adventures multiple times or some other way? Will I be able to create my party of one godly wizard and his two identically equipped lowly guards?
  17. A Bear

    A Bear Goblin Champion

    Growing off your point, Pugs--can we have multiple adventurers of the same class? Team cleric?
  18. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    1. After each battle. However, there may be additional loot you only get for completing the adventure.

    2. Yes, and that's a big part of what your mule is for.
  19. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Oh, definitely, yes. You'll almost certainly want multiple copies of some items.
  20. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yes! An all Wizard build was pretty dominant for a while until we rebalanced things a bit. In multiplayer matches a balanced team (Warrior, Wizard, Priest) is pretty powerful but there are certainly plenty of other viable builds. I've had success with an all Warrior bezerker type party for example. Two Warriors and a Priest for backup is pretty viable too.

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